Legislative: Macron calls for a “strong and clear” majority and accuses the extremes

The President of the Republic raises the tone for the legislative elections. Thursday, Emmanuel Macron castigated the “extreme” who “propose to add crisis to crisis by returning to the great historical choices of our Nation”. The Head of State also asked the French to grant him “a strong and clear majority”. “From June 12”, the day of the first round of the legislative elections, “let us make the solid choice of republican clarity without concession in conscience”, launched the Head of State during a speech in Puycelsi in the Tarn. “We have to follow the path of consistency, competence and confidence,” he added, adopting a very attacking tone.

From spades to left and right alliances

Faced with the breakthrough in the polls of the left alliance Nupes around Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Emmanuel Macron attacked without naming them both this coalition and the RN of Marine Le Pen who want, according to him, “to return to the alliances which, like NATO, ensure collective security and protect the peoples” at a time when “I am speaking with Russia which is massacring civilians in Ukraine”. “The French will not yield anything to extremism wherever it comes from”, of those “who, by their declarations their contestation, sometimes of the legitimacy of the election, move away from the republican field”, continued the head of state.

He felt that “faced with those who want to oppose, divide, split, the French will choose unity and unity”, as well as “this overcoming of divisions that I have been defending since day one”. During a trip focused on security in rural areas, Emmanuel Macron detailed the main lines of his program for the second five-year term, in particular to “double” the presence of the police on public roads by end of the decade, “which is a small revolution”.

“I cannot accept” Mélenchon’s comments on the police

Without naming him, he also attacked the critical comments made by Jean-Luc Mélenchon on “the police who kill” after the death of a young woman when police fired on a car in Paris on Saturday. “There are things that from where I am, I cannot accept, it is that we insult those who risk their lives to protect ours,” he said. Jean-Luc Mélenchon said Tuesday on France Inter to assume having castigated this weekend “a police that kills”. He explained that he had “raised his voice” to denounce “the evolution of the use of police force as it is today defined by the political power that commands”.

The Head of State also criticized the economic projects of his adversaries. “There is no magic money”, he repeated, believing that those who do not specify the financing, will do so by “hidden taxes or by a debt which will further weaken” the country .

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