Legislative: Nicolas Sarkozy shows his support for a majority candidate

Melanie Faure

Nicolas Sarkozy announced this Thursday his support for the candidate Together! in the Alpes-Maritimes in the legislative elections, Marine Brenier. The former President of the Republic reiterates his support for the coalition led by Emmanuel Macron, after having voted for the latter during the presidential election last April.

Nicolas Sarkozy lends his support to Marine Brenier for the legislative elections. The former President of the Republic from 2007 to 2012 published a video on Thursday in favor of the candidate Together! outgoing who is standing in the 5th constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes. Marine Brenier shared it on her Twitter account.

“I am in Nice today to make a speech and it is always a pleasure for me to come here. This is an opportunity to tell you my deep gratitude, my sincere friendship for the loyalty you have shown in my name”, declares Nicolas Sarkozy, filming himself in a vehicle. “His words go straight to my heart, and encourage me to continue to act for my fellow citizens above all!”, Commented the municipal councilor of the city of Nice.

In April, she joined Edouard Philippe’s Horizons

Why such a position in view of the first round of legislative elections this Sunday? Marine Brenier had supported the candidacy of Nicolas Sarkozy during the primary of the right and the center in 2016. “Today, it is up to me to support you. You supported me so much, you helped me so much. ..”, declares the ex-president of the Republicans in the video.

Marine Brenier was originally a member of the LR party. In April, she joined the movement of Édouard Philippe, Horizons, after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron.

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