Legislative: on D-5, the macronie and the left go blow for blow

The camps of Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon go Tuesday blow for blow five days before the first round of the legislative elections, whose campaign redoubles in intensity after the first results of the constituencies of French people living abroad. If the presidential majority came first in eight out of eleven constituencies, it is closely followed by the left-wing coalition (Nupes).

Illustration of this Mélenchonist dynamic, the pillar of the macronie and outgoing deputy Roland Lescure certainly won the most votes (35.88%) in the North American constituency, but, with 22 points less than in 2017, he is held in respect by the LFI candidate Florence Roger (33.43%).

The food check, “a masquerade” for Le Pen

On Monday, the boss of La République en Marche, Stanislas Guerini, called for an “even stronger” campaign by the first round. The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, engaged during an interview given on Tuesday to France Bleu, announcing a new “inflation check” at the start of the school year, before “a reflection” about “a targeted device to allow all French people to access quality products, organic products”, a refrain on which the executive has been working for months, encountering hitherto insoluble implementation difficulties.

Not enough to convince Marine Le Pen, for whom this new aid is “a masquerade”: “Not only can the French not wait for September, but in addition the announcement falls five days before the first round”, was moved by the leader of the National Rally.

Several trips by Macron this week

The majority offensive must continue this week with several trips by Emmanuel Macron to “illustrate the priorities of the five-year term”, in particular “youth” and “everyday security”, his entourage told AFP. . The macronie has also redoubled its attacks against Jean-Luc Mélenchon, after the rebellious leader estimated that “the police kill”, in reference to the death of the passenger in a car who was the victim of police fire during a check on Saturday. in Paris.

“I find it very shocking the way (he) systematically attacks the police with totally outrageous remarks”, protested Elisabeth Borne. Immediate response from the person concerned: “Technocratic Prime Minister without heart, without human compassion, without republican principle on public force”, tackled the rebellious leader during a press conference on Tuesday afternoon about his economic project, one of his main Achilles heels, according to his opponents.

“So good man, you’re going to name (Mélenchon)!”, Bompard launches to Macron

But the good form of the LFI-EELV-PCF-PS alliance – which qualified in the second round on Sunday in ten out of eleven French overseas constituencies, compared to barely five in 2017 – led one of the right arm of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Manuel Bompard, to “strongly believe” in the possibility of a majority of the left in the Assembly. This would lead, according to him, to the appointment of Jean-Luc Mélenchon as “Prime Minister”, although Emmanuel Macron recalled that “no political party can impose a name on the president”.

“Yes, man, you’re going to name him!” Manuel Bompard replied to the Head of State, drawing the ire of government spokesperson Olivia Grégoire, for whom “elementary republican respect” has been “shamelessly flouted”. If Marine Le Pen does not believe in the victory of the left, but in that – in unison of the polls – of the presidential majority in the legislative elections, she hopes to steal from Nupes the title of first opponent in the future Assembly. And pleads for Emmanuel Macron to obtain only “a relative majority”, so that “he does not have full powers”.

An RN candidate able to win against Blanquer

“Unlike Jean-Luc Mélenchon, I have a sense of the ridiculous”, still tackled Marine Le Pen, before a trip to Loiret to support the RN candidate Thomas Ménagé, in a position to win against the former Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer.

By trying to play the arbiters, despite scores at half mast in opinion studies, the right accused Emmanuel Macron of “anaesthetizing the campaign, as he had anesthetized the presidential campaign”, by the voice of one of his tenors, Bruno Retailleau. And the boss of the LR senators warned: his party will not “give instructions to vote” in the event of a second round opposing LREM to the RN.

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