Legislative: PS, PCF, EELV and LFI call to “join the union processions” this weekend and to “demonstrate widely”

Europe 1 with AFP // Photo credits:
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11:09 p.m., June 10, 2024

The PS, PCF, EELV and LFI parties also call for “joining the union processions” this weekend and “demonstrating widely”.

The Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Ecologists and La France insoumise indicated on Monday that they wanted to “support single candidates from the first round” of the legislative elections, scheduled for June 30 and July 7, in a press release also signed by Place publique, or Generations.

Call to “protest widely”

“We call for the creation of a new popular front bringing together in an unprecedented form all the humanist, union, associative and citizen left-wing forces” in order to “build an alternative to Emmanuel Macron and combat the racist project of the far right” , write the signatory parties.

The main left-wing parties also called on Monday to “join the processions” planned for this weekend at the call of the CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires and to “demonstrate widely” before the anticipated legislative elections. The left-wing parties, as well as Place publique and Génération.s, explained in a joint press release that they wanted to “carry out a program of rupture” through a “new popular front”.

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