Legislative: the future of the finance committee worries Macronie

Jacques Serais, edited by Thibault Nadal
modified to

09:04, May 26, 2022

As the legislative elections approach, the Nupes could become the main opposition group in the Assembly. Thus, the new alliance on the left could claim the presidency of the Finance Committee, a position still held by an opposition MP since 2007. A prospect that does not delight the majority.

The first round of the legislative elections is in 17 days. If the latest polls indicate that Macronie should keep its majority, they also indicate that the left alliance behind Jean-Luc Mélenchon could become the first opposition force in the Assembly. And this prospect is beginning to worry some in the ranks of the walkers.

A position still held by an opposition MP

But what worries the majority above all is the presidency of the finance committee, which could go to the Insoumis. Since 2007, this prestigious post at the Palais Bourbon automatically goes to an opposition deputy. During Emmanuel Macron’s previous mandate, he was occupied by the Republican Éric Woerth.

And if the deputy from Oise has certainly since joined the ranks of the majority, his position as chairman of the finance committee will again be put to the vote the day after the second round of the legislative elections.

“It would be a nightmare”

If the Nupes became the first opposition group in the Assembly, a lieutenant of Jean-Luc Mélenchon would then be able to claim this strategic function… A function which offers the privilege of having access to the lifting of tax secrecy, for companies as well as for individuals, or to go and carry out checks in any administration. “It would be a nightmare,” says a ministerial adviser.

But to avoid this scenario, a track is mentioned on the walker side: to have the parliamentarians of the majority vote again in favor of a Les Républicains deputy, at the risk of driving the elected representatives of the left alliance mad with rage.

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