Legislative: traveling in Brittany, Pap Ndiaye responds to his detractors

Alexandre Chauveau, edited by Solène Leroux
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07:46, June 09, 2022

For his only trip to the campaign for the first round of the legislative elections, the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye chose Brittany. Faced with very strong reactions after his appointment, he took the opportunity to respond for the first time to the attacks made, in particular by the right and the far right.

Pap Ndiaye was in Dinan in the Côtes-d’Armor this Wednesday. The Minister of National Education came to support the local majority candidate during one of his first media outings since taking office. Faced with very strong reactions after his appointment, for his positions on the racial question in particular, the new minister, an academic by training, plunged into the deep end of politics.

Its name and silhouette are not yet completely familiar to the inhabitants of Dinan. But Pap Ndiaye, suit and tie and professorial look, is gradually taking the fold of his new function, as during this exchange with this boss of a butcher shop on the question of learning. “Do you know that one of the priorities of the five-year term is to upgrade vocational high schools?” Asks the new minister. “That’s a good idea, that’s what we business leaders need,” agrees the butcher.

Unknown to the general public a month ago, the minister knows he is particularly expected, and must adapt to his new life as a politician. “Politics? I didn’t think about it in the morning while shaving. I looked at it with an interested eye, now I’m going to have to dive into it, with great interest, and hopefully preserving the sense of nuance”, he said at the microphone of Europe 1. The nuance, Pap Ndiaye refers to it almost in every sentence, as a response to the attacks that have targeted her since her appointment rue de Grenelle.

Accused of wokism, Pap Ndiaye defends himself

Qualified as a wokist or an indigenist by a large part of the right, the minister replied for the first time: “Those who know me know very well that these caricatures in no way correspond to who I am. I had the satisfaction to see how the teachers welcomed my appointment with pleasure and hope, it is the most important for me. We must not confuse French society and the excess of social networks.

Pap Ndiaye, promises to work in the continuity of Jean-Michel Blanquer, with some inflections, he specifies. Its first projects, on college or apprenticeship, should be launched this summer.

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