LEGO Horizon gives new details, you should be surprised

LEGO Horizon reveals juicy new details which allow us to know a little more about the LEGO adaptation of one of PlayStation’s biggest licenses. This is what we know.

The new LEGO Horizon Adventures game, inspired by the Horizon Zero Dawn universe from Guerrilla Games, stands out for its fun and relaxed approach. You should therefore not expect a plot that is too long and laborious. A new interview with the narrative director at GameSpot allows us to learn more about the game. Here’s what we know.

LEGO Horizon gives details

Lasting seven to eight hours, LEGO Horizon on PlayStation, PC and Nintendo Switch offers a more humorous adventure, centered around Aloy’s quest to find her mother. This length of play is confirmed by James Windeler, narrative director, who emphasizes that the game is neither a faithful transcription nor a parody of the original game, but rather an inspiration that uses the humor characteristic of LEGO productions.

LEGO Horizon Adventures takes liberties with the original story by setting aside some darker themes such as climate change or corporate neglect to focus on a more personal and emotional story. The story revolves around Aloy and her personal quest, incorporating a conflict of existential issues, but without the more complex and dark aspects of the original.

Unlike other LEGO games, LEGO Horizon Adventures reduces the emphasis on collecting items, as evidenced by the absence of the Stud Counter (The Stud Counter in LEGO games is a feature that counts “studs”, these small pieces rounds or stars that players collect throughout the game). A common element in LEGO games. Windeler compares the experience to that of playing in a LEGO movie, where interaction and progression in the game aim to enhance narrative immersion rather than intensive collecting.

The clearly stated objective of making the game accessible to a wide audience seems to have been achieved thanks to this adaptation which mixes humor and adventure. This approach could attract not only fans of Horizon Zero Dawn but also fans of LEGO games, providing an accessible entry point for players of all ages. To find out more, we recommend our PREVIEW on the subject. The game is planned for the end of the year on PS5, PC and Nintendo Switch.

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