Lego Masters: what monumental number of bricks are used by the competitors?

Thursday October 27, 2022, M6 will launch its new Lego Masters season with Eric Antoine at its helm. Eight pairs will build impressive structures to try to win the 20,000 euros in prize money. They will have many bricks at their disposal.

The kick off of the new season of Lego Masters will be given Thursday, October 27, 2022. A few hours before the broadcast of the first episode which will allow viewers to get to know the new pairs, the production communicated the press kit to the media with some figures. In particular, we find that the candidates had at their disposal no less than 3 million bricks. This is much more than in the previous season, when he already had 2.5 million bricks to create impressive structures. In order to make the frescoes as animated as possible, for the third season of the program hosted by Eric Antoine, the teams had 5,000 mini figurines available.

Once again, the show should be there and viewers should be amazed. Candidates will be judged by Georg Schmitt and Paulina Abbey, as in previous editions. On the other hand, the presenter assured that this new edition had the will to want to renew itself. “We went towards a search for the most spectacular, that is to say that we have mechanized tests. One of them happens underwater. There is another where the structures are driven by the wind. We tried to produce more special effects“, he thus confided in the columns of TV Magazine.

Eric Antoine will work magic in Lego Masters

A nice surprise will also be reserved for viewers since Eric Antoine will sign his big comeback as a magician on television. “I’m going to do magic again when I haven’t done it for a long time when I animate or that I am a juror in a program. I think there is also a writing that we wanted to be more humorous“, he said again, very happy with this new edition.

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© M6

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Eric Anthony
Eric Antoine animates Lego Master.

© M6

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Lego Master
Lego Master signs his return on October 27, 2022.

© M6

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Lego Master
Eight pairs will try to win Lego Master.

© M6

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Lego Master
The candidates will have many bricks available.

© M6

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Lego Master
The works of the candidates will be impressive.

© M6

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Lego Master
The candidates will have to redouble their imagination.

© Jack Tribeca

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Eric Anthony
Eric Antoine is a magician.


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Eric Anthony
Eric Antoine has a lot of humor.


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Eric Anthony
Eric Antoine was impressed by the candidates.

© Bruno Bébert

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Eric Anthony
Eric Antoine announces a season full of novelties.


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Eric Anthony
Eric Antoine loves Lego Masters.

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