L'[email protected] Summer Game Fest Demo Event is back from June 21 to 27 with 30 demos up for grabs

From June 21 to 27you can play dozens of games during the event [email protected] Summer Game Fest Demo Event which is therefore in partnership with the event that we were able to follow throughout this week of conferences and whose flagship evening was presented by Geoff Keighley. This is the third edition of this event allowing the public to get an idea of ​​some upcoming independent titles.

30 games to discover before everyone else

This new edition of this demo festival (which comes shortly after that of Steam and its Neo Fest) will therefore offer no less than 30 games to test in preview some of which are already known and some of which can be tried for the first time:

The list of other available games will be revealed later. It should be noted, however, that this is games still in development and not a finalized version thereof. There may therefore be bugs and the contents may have to change in the version finally marketed (and it may be in a very long time).

Don’t hesitate to tell us which games appeal to you and to make Valuable feedback (both positive and constructive) to developers via their social networks or their websites.

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