Lemon water: 7 reasons to drink it every day

lemon water
7 good reasons to drink water with lemon every day

© iravgustin / Shutterstock

Living healthy can be so easy – with lemon water. Here we explain the advantages of combining lemon and water.

Live healthier thanks to lemon water

Still or sparkling water is too boring for you? Then give it an update – and drink it with lemon in the future! So the water not only tastes fresher, the Lemon juice even has some positive effects on your health.

Here are 7 reasons why you should drink lemon water every day

1. Lemon water helps with weight loss

Lemons contain pectin, a fiber that limits fat absorption in the body. In addition, pectin is good for the intestines and supports digestion as it suppresses harmful substances that irritate the intestines. Tip: Drinking a glass of lemon water before eating fills you up faster. The fiber swells your gastrointestinal tract and ensures a longer-lasting feeling of satiety.

2. Citrus fruits protect against colds

In addition to the weight loss effect, lemon water has a positive effect on your immune system. The reason: lemons contain a lot of vitamin C, which is particularly important for strengthening the immune system. A glass of water and lemon juice not only boosts your immune system, but also prevents inflammation. Particularly practical: If you have an iron deficiency, it is best to take iron-containing foods with lemon water, as this supports the absorption of the mineral.

3. Fit brain and fit muscles

Lemons contain a number of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and nutrients that have a positive effect on the brain. Potassium and magnesium, for example, show positive effects on the health of the brain and nerves. Lemon water can give you mental clarity and focus – and is therefore indispensable for people in stressful jobs. The minerals also help to replenish the stores after exercise and prevent muscle soreness.

4. Beautiful skin thanks to a summer drink

Lemons are rich in antioxidants that help prevent free radical damage. Free radicals are the substances that are responsible for, among other things, premature skin aging. In addition, vitamin C helps maintain skin elasticity, Prevent wrinkles and reduce blemishes. Warm lemon water also has astringent properties, which means that scars and pigmentation problems disappear faster.

5. The risk of cancer is reduced

Lemon water reduces the risk of developing cancer. Why it is like that? As already mentioned, lemons contain a high proportion of important antioxidants that destroy harmful radicals in the body. This significantly reduces the risk of cancer. By the way: Vitamin C is one of the most effective antioxidants.

6. The body is deacidified

It is a well-known fact that sour makes fun – and in this case, ironically, basic. ‘Cause unlike what you might think countingLemons to the so-called alkaline foods. The minerals magnesium and potassium contained in lemon water have a basic, i.e. deacidifying, effect on the body. And a balanced acid-base balance can prevent various diseases such as heartburn.

7. Protection for the joints

Lemons contain so-called citrates. These can dissolve kidney stones, which are made up of uric acid crystals. But that’s not all: the uric acid crystals can also build up in the joints, increasing the risk of gout. If you drink a glass of lemon water every day, you can prevent the uric acid crystals from spreading in the joints from the outset.

Our easy lemon water recipe

Do you want to improve your health with lemon water in the future? Then try our simple recipe! For this you need:

  • 1 organic lemon
  • 1 glass of lukewarm water

Manual: Simply divide the organic lemon in half and squeeze it. For a glass of lemon water you only need the juice of half a lemon – you can store the other half in the fridge for the next day and gradually improve your diet. Put the lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water, stir the mixture around – done! If you like, you can sweeten the drink with a little stevia.

Why should I use lukewarm water for the recipe?

The lukewarm water makes it particularly easy for your body to metabolize the healthy ingredients in lemon water. Because the lukewarm water corresponds to the body temperature – so the body does not have to expend energy to heat the water. The water shouldn’t be too hot either, because there is a risk that the good ingredients in the lemon juice will boil away.


Bachmann, S. & Längler, A.: Home remedies in modern medicine, Elsevier/Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2005


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