Lena Gercke: Why her mother is her greatest source of strength

“The Cannes Film Festival is incredibly impressive,” enthuses Lena Gercke. She treated herself to a mum-time out on the Croisette.

Glamorous family break for model Lena Gercke (36) at the Cannes Film Festival. The presenter and designer walked the red carpet on the Croisette in a gorgeous red gown together with other stars from the L’Oréal Paris family. “Of course you miss your children and any separation, even for a short time, is always difficult. But in Cannes I manage to enjoy the time,” said the 36-year-old happily.

Gercke has two young daughters with her partner Dustin Schöne (38). In an interview, the first “Germany’s next Top Model” winner reveals what values ​​she wants to pass on to her children and why her mother is still her greatest source of strength.

The red carpet in Cannes is considered to be particularly glamorous, can you still remember your first time here on the Croisette?”

Lena Gercke: Southern France simply has a very special flair – and the Cannes Film Festival is incredibly impressive. My first time in Cannes was five years ago and I always enjoy the very special atmosphere there.

This year, Greta Gerwig, the world’s most commercially successful director, headed the jury in Cannes – did you also fall for the Barbie hype?

Gercke: It was really hard to imagine life without the Barbie hype. It was amazing what they created during the broadcast: what hype, what incredible marketing and how great that Greta was part of the jury this year. I myself was not completely addicted to the Barbie theme, but of course the trend that was started did not pass me by. Especially since very important signals were being set along these lines at a societal level.

How do you live female empowerment?

Gercke: For me, female empowerment goes hand in hand with self-determination and independence. My mother instilled this in me from an early age – and I have followed it my entire life since then. When I was 17, I started traveling independently and making my own decisions. I try to pass the same on to my children.

Which women are still your role models today?

Gercke: We are of course strongly influenced by our mother. In a very positive sense: My mother is a really incredibly strong woman and personality who managed to raise two small children on her own. That shows power and strength – and I admire that very much! She has always been my greatest source of strength, and she still is today. She plays one of the most important roles in my life, she is always by my side and has always supported me in dealing with important decisions. I am very, very grateful for that.

What values ​​do you want to pass on to your daughters?

Gercke: I want them to become self-determined women who make their own decisions, perceive their feelings and express them, and accept themselves as they are. I try to support them in living according to their own ideas and wishes. I want them to know that they can be who and how they are – that way they can grow into strong, inspiring women.

Why didn’t your two daughters and your partner come with you to France?

Gercke: I don’t think the Cannes Film Festival is the right place for small children. They would be very bored there and wouldn’t be able to make a concrete classification. We also keep our family life very private, so I’m alone in Cannes – but surrounded by many great, inspiring people. Not least from Iris Berben, Jane Fonda to Helen Mirren and Elle Fanning, also brand ambassadors for L’Oréal Paris.

Are you enjoying a little mommy break on the red carpet?

Gercke: Of course I enjoy my time in Cannes. But as a mother you always leave home with both a tear and a smile. Of course you miss your children and any separation, even for a short time, is always difficult. But in Cannes I manage to enjoy the time, meet interesting people and experience an impressive sense of community.

How long does it take you to be perfectly styled for your big appearance?

Gercke: Styling is always done together with our hair and make-up artist, who is an absolute expert and professional for perfect appearances. At the moment I love it when my skin looks fresh and glowy, even with make-up. We usually need about one and a half to two hours for my final red carpet look. Of course, there are also fittings beforehand, the search for the ideal dress, the search for the right shoes and basically all the elements that make the look complete and perfect.

Do you also pay attention to your styling in your private life or do you sometimes leave the house without makeup?

Gercke: In my private life I dress very casually. I go out a lot with my children, and I usually prefer practical looks that are characterized by functionality. I prefer to save long evening wear or elaborate styling for other days. After all, they are rather impractical in everyday life – with children, things have to be quick and easy. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy moments of glamour, like here in Cannes. They are something all the more beautiful and special.

Which beauty tips do you swear by?

Gercke: Basically, I swear by inner beauty and promoting health as the basis for my own well-being – from a balanced diet to taking supplements. I also love peelings and face masks for a little freshen-up now and then. Since I became a mother, I have really appreciated the right beauty routine in everyday life, which, to be honest, has to be done quickly.

And what is an absolute no-go?

Gercke: An absolute no-go is of course too much alcohol and too little sleep. It simply shows on your face if you eat the wrong foods or drink too much alcohol. It’s simply not good for your body. Your skin becomes pale and blemished, and a balanced diet is really incredibly important here.

When do you feel most beautiful?

Gercke: I feel most beautiful when I can completely relax. For example, on vacation, when I can just walk around as I please. Preferably with a light summer tan on my face, where make-up is not a must in order to feel fresh and beautiful.

What was the nicest compliment you ever received?

Gercke: A very close friend of mine once told me that I was an absolute role model for her when it came to motherhood, children and career. How could I manage to keep such a close connection with my children, but still do something for myself? That was the best compliment for me.


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