Lena Meyer-Landrut shares an ingenious scarf hack

Lena Meyer-Landrut
This scarf hack will keep them warm in winter

Lena’s scarf hack goes viral on TikTok.


To escape the icy cold in winter, Lena Meyer-Landrut does everything right! Your top tip? This scarf hack she’s enthusiastically sharing on TikTok.

Her fans don’t just hang on her lips when she sings: Lena Meyer-Landrut, 31, shares a practical tip that keeps both her neck and ears warm in winter.

Lena Meyer-Landrut: “You will love me for that”

The TikTok clip in which the singer shows her scarf hack has already had over a million views. The fans are also enthusiastic and express their opinion in the comments. The singer shows step by step how to turn her scarf into a hood – funny description included!

Sources used: TikTok.com

This article originally appeared on GALA.de.


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