Lenovo: Legion Go unveiled, ROG Ally-killer in sight?

We mentioned it a short time ago and it is now confirmed, now Lenovo has decided to formalize its new portable PC console running on Windows 11coming not only to compete with the ROG Allybut also, by the arrangement of its levers, of a certain Switch of nintendo. Will Legion Go succeed (on paper at least) in catching up with Asus and to offer the player an experience gamer who stands out?

These are our colleagues from Windowsreport who had the first chance to acquire exclusive information and images on the console of Lenovo. We can see it on the pictures, Lenovo is not in the carbon copybut in innovation, that which makes it possible to obtain a product that erases the faults of others.

First point, controllers and sticks are removableso goodbye to the problems of joy con driftand if really it is not repairable, each side of the controller can be replaced, without fiddling. In other words, if you are out of warranty and not very thorough, of those who do not wish to open the console, welcome to Lenovo.

Legion Go 3

Second thing, the console has a trackpad, which will delight RTS players since the latter will not find themselves, like the holders of the ROG Ally, to have to use the touch screen. This is beneficial for two reasons: your fingers will no longer hide the screen and it will be cleaner.

Third point and not least, the console has an 8-inch screen borderless (without borders), the best of the best in terms of readability. Some will no doubt prefer lower slabs, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is a portable PC console and that in this sense, games, unlike a Switch of nintendo, are primarily designed to be played on large screens. In other words, this means that in some games (fortunately very few), visibility (especially subtitles) may suffer. In conclusion, the 8 inch allows you to be quiet and serene at this level, in addition to providing great visual comfort in use.

Legion Go 2

Like the ROG Ally, the console will have an efficient ventilation system, let’s hope, however, that the Chinese engineers have the intelligence to somewhat curb the power of their machine in order to prevent it from overheating. In other words, if on the one hand we have the choice to spit out the lungs of our console without any restrictions (on the ROG Allythe 30 watt mode hides a turbo mode that can increase the console up to 53 watts), you may have the best cooling system there is, you will pass the 95° constantly and damage (in the long term) the internal components of your device, such as the SD port of the ROG AllyFor example.

Legion GB 1

The type of processor that will equip the Legion GO will be from the AMD Z1 series family (the same as for the console ofAsus). On the other hand, we do not know if it will be the Extreme version of the chip or the basic one.

The choice of processor will be a crucial point since this will determine the power of the machine as well as its price.

In terms of ergonomics, the two sticks are asymmetrical, Xbox style and the console doesn’t look totally, when complete, any different from other consoles. Finally, at first sight, because there is in addition to the trackpad at the front, one wheel at the backprobably allowing to scroll the screen (like the one that equips our mice). But it is above all, at first, the gaggle of buttons on the back of the console as well as on the side of the controllers that challenge us!

Legion Go Back sideLegion Go Controllers

Yes, upon reflection, if the controllers can be detached from the screen, they must have enough buttons to be able, without concessions, to play all of your titles. icing on the joystickthis also means that you can play with two players without having to pair a controller Xbox Or playstation ! However, we don’t know if said controllers have gyroscopes, if so, the Legion GB would be the perfect console for emulation.

We assume that the side buttons of the controllers will be disabled once connected to the screensimply to prevent us from inadvertently pressing it (we hope that is the case). On the other hand, concerning the buttons at the back of the machine, it will be quite difficult for the player to dodge an involuntary press, especially if we take into account the morphologies specific to each one. Lenovo will undeniably have to provide buttons that are rigid, in which case the player will be tempted to deactivate them.

Let’s stay at the back of the console, since we have a Kickstandor a support stand (Switch OLED style) allowing you to keep your console in desktop modewithout having to use a piece of cardboard — thank you Asus — which degrades over time. Speaking ofAsus, owners of the ROG Ally must, if they want to use it fully, acquire a hub. Yes, the latter only has one port USB-Cso understand that apart from a dock or a hubyou have to choose between powering your console or plugging in a peripheral. At Lenovo, this is far from the case, 2 USB-C ports are included, it is certainly not much, but already better! Then we have the usual basic controls and inputs such as a power button, headphone jack, volume buttons, 2 microphones and a micro-SD slot, which is not located, as others do, close to the ventilation system.

Legion Go Connectivity

However, many questions remain, here is an anthology:

  • Z1 extreme or Z1 basic?
  • Will the console have several versions?
  • What software overlay will the firm use for its new console?
  • Will the sound be as well spatialized as the ROG Ally?
  • Will the screen be as crisp and clear as the ROG Ally?
  • What about the technology adopted? LCD, OLED?
  • Will the screen be 120 Hz (or more) ?
  • Can we play outside with it?
  • At what price will the controllers be set?
  • Will gyroscopes be there? If yes how much ?
  • Will Lenovo prevent its console from reaching constant 95° ?
  • Autonomy will she be there?
  • What about follow-up and after-sales service? (future) of the machine?
  • What about the price?
  • Will the console be available in supermarkets and specialty stores?

For sure, ROG Ally owners may fear Legion Go so much does this turn out to be, broadly speaking: daunting. If Lenovo goes all the way with the conceptby offering a Z1 extreme3 gyroscopes (1 on each controller, 1 on the screen), long battery life, low heating, stunning screen and sound, exemplary monitoring and after-sales service, so yes, the Legion Go will be master in the house. But for the moment, we are waiting for all this to be confirmed, first on paper and then in our hands.

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