Les 12 coups de midi: how much did the show raise for research?

Jean-Luc Reichmann presented a check to Line Renaud and Florence Thune on the occasion of Sidaction this Sunday, March 27. A great sum for research.

A nice surprise. Since Monday, March 21, the program 12 Coups de midi, presented by Jean-Luc Reichmann every lunchtime on TF1, has been mobilizing for the benefit of Sidaction. Thus, each of the correct answers in Masterstroke has yielded 5,000 euros to the association. This Sunday March 27, the host invited Line Renaud, vice-president of Sidaction and Florence Thune, general manager, to give them a check. “I just want to say thank you“, first launched Jean-Luc Reichmann to Line Renaud before adding: “Look at the check that arrives. It is worth 150,000 euros“. A nice sum which was immediately welcomed by the two main parties concerned. “Thanks very much“, they asserted.”I’m very very happy, keep fighting. We will always be there for you“, continued the host before giving the floor to Line Renaud: “A big thank-you. To all this public who, for so long, has been kind enough to follow me. It’s a long love story. It started when I was 15 and I’m 94“, she concluded.

Surprise! This Sunday March 27, Jean-Luc Reichmann received Line Renaud and Florence Thune on the set of his show. A very important appearance for the two women since they had come to discuss Sidaction. This makes more than 35 years that the singer has given body and soul in the fight against AIDS. A fight that is very close to her heart since, as she had explained in the columns of the World in march 2021, she has lost friends from this disease. The opportunity for her to explain what drives her to fight on a daily basis and to use her voice and her notoriety for this cause. “Because I’ve seen people die. Because I discovered the outpouring of hatred caused by this mysterious evil which first struck homosexuals”, she first explained before adding: “Because I have heard idiots invoke divine punishment, fools being afraid to breathe the same air as an infected person”. This check for 150,000 euros is a major step that will allow research to continue.

The 12 Coups de Midi: how much was collected last year?

Every year, Jean-Luc Reichmann and the 12 Coups de Midi team commit to raising money for Sidaction for a week. As for this new edition, it is a check for 150,000 euros which had been given for research. A fight that is very close to the heart of the host, who did not hesitate to share his “pride” on his Twitter account when he announced the presence of Line Renaud in the show that day.


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© TF1

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Line Renaud
The singer came on the occasion of Sidaction.

© TF1

3/12 –

Line Renaud
A large sum was raised.

© TF1

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
Jean-Luc Reichmann gave him a check for 150,000 euros.

© TF1

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Line Renaud
This will allow the search to continue.

© TF1

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
The week was devoted to Sidaction.

© TF1

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
Jean-Luc Reichmann is hired every year.

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
He raised the same amount last year.

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
Line Renaud was very touched.

© TF1

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
It is a fight that is very close to his heart.

© TF1

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Line Renaud
Jean-Luc Reichmann was delighted to be able to help them.

© TF1

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Jean-Luc Reichmann
This sum is very important.

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