Les Hautes herbes sur Arte: what is this strange thriller with Emmanuelle Devos worth?

Arte is broadcasting this Thursday evening the mini-series “Les Hautes Herbs”, directed by Jérôme Bonnell (“Chère Léa”) and carried by Emmanuelle Devos. A thriller at the height of a child that plunges us into a village where tensions, secrets and disappearances mingle.

What is it about ?

In the summer, Jules, 10, is welcomed in the countryside by a young couple because his mother was injured. How to find your place in a village whose inhabitants are shaken by deep antagonisms? How not to fear what is hidden behind the tall grass?

Thursday January 6 at 8:55 p.m. on Arte, and available until February 4 on arte.tv

Who is it with?

Recently in the credits of the TV movie Low Season on Arte, Emmanuelle Devos again wears one of the chain’s unseen fictions and meets for the occasion the director Jérôme Bonnell (A trois on y va, Chère Léa), who already had it. directed in Le Temps de l’Aventure and I am waiting for someone.

In front of her, Louise Chevillotte (Synonyms, L’Evénement), Jonathan Couzinié (Once upon a second time), India Hair (Camille redouble), Lazare Gousseau (Les Apparences), Coline Beal (La Révolution), and the young Antonin Chaussoy , who takes his first steps as an actor here, complete the cast of the mini-series Les Hautes Herbs.

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Well worth a look ?

Filmmaker of the intimate follower of the exploration of romantic feelings and the setbacks they can engender, Jérôme Bonnell tries his hand for the first time at the serial genre with Les Hautes herbes, a thriller in three episodes which, after being presented at the La Rochelle Festival last September, finally arrives this Thursday evening on Arte.

Emmanuelle Devos, once again excellent in this role cut out for her, embodies Eve, a determined woman who seems to be, in the village where the intrigue takes place, the only one to worry about the fate of Mounir, a seasonal worker who has disappeared from sudden and unexplained way.

At the same time, while he finds love and comfort with Lucille (Louise Chevillotte) and Glenn (Jonathan Couzinié), the couple who welcome him while his mother is in a coma, little Jules, witness to the tensions and strange things which could well play there, very close, will begin to be interested in the inhabitants of the village. Ready to unravel the secrets and mysteries that hide all around him. And in the tall grass?

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By revisiting the codes and motifs dear to fairy tales – childhood and the rural setting of history – Jérôme Bonnell offers an elegant thriller, which initially disconcerts with its rhythm and its particular atmosphere, closer to the auteur film than thrillers under tension. But that ends up seducing us.

While the suspense grows and a dull violence appears in small touches, we let ourselves be drawn into these High Grass, which owe a lot to the plurality of themes deployed, at the same time social, sentimental, and disturbing. And to the talent of the actors, and in particular of Emmanuelle Devos, of India Hair, brilliant in rural guard who will lend a hand to Eve, and of the revelation of the series, Antonin Chaussoy, perfect in the role of Jules, this little talkative child who constitutes the heart of the story.

A strange object quite difficult to define, Les Hautes Herbs is one of the beautiful surprises of the start of 2022, which once again proves that Arte dares to take risks and knows how to stand out from what other French chains offer. . Because Jérôme Bonnell’s series is not really a formatted and expected thriller.

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