Lessons outdoors – students banned from the Lotter school building: “Blow the leaves away from us” – News


Pupils had to leave the school building in Wiedlisbach in a bang. Now they are partly taught outside.

Actually, 170 students in Wiedlisbach (BE) were supposed to practice a fire with the fire brigade. But it didn’t get that far. Instead, the authorities decided at the end of May to close the listed school building from one day to the next.

Emergency brake due to static report

What happened? The 150-year-old school building has been in need of renovation for some time. Because of the upcoming fire brigade exercise, specialists then created a new static report.


Because of the risk of collapse: the children had to leave the classroom in Wiedlisbach in a bang.


Summary: Some of the floors of the school building are in danger of collapsing. The community immediately ordered the school building to be closed. “Since then, there has been a state of emergency,” said the responsible municipal councilor Katja Bevilacqua on current Switzerland.

Not all children like open-air classes

Now the teachers are teaching the students in makeshift arrangements, sometimes even in the open air. About math. “When it’s windy, it blows the leaves away,” says primary school student Livio Weber. Eriona Tushai, on the other hand, thinks the open-air classes are great. “We have more fun. You feel like you’re surrounded by nature.”

school outside


The children are now partially taught outside.


The multi-purpose hall in the village has mutated into a temporary school building. The children store their teaching materials in plastic boxes. “I miss my school building, there are no real desks,” says Ben Lengweiler. Another child is worried about not being able to cope with the material. “We haven’t been able to work that much yet. I hope it gets better now,” said Lyam Andermatt.

I miss my school building, there are no real desks.

So the students have mixed feelings. Teacher Renate Glück sees the positive sides. «From a social point of view it is clearly a win. For example, the children learn to concentrate outside. And how to deal with distractions.”

outdoor lessons


The multi-purpose hall serves as a temporary school building. Some of the lessons take place outdoors.


For the headmistress Beatrice Fischer, the eviction of the school came as a shock at first. She also sees the positive side now. “It brought the village, the school and the people closer together,” she says to SRF. The teachers quickly fell into a spirit of optimism.

The event brought the village, the school and the people closer together

After all, the children could leave farewell messages in the building. “Bye schoolroom, I’ll miss you,” says one floor. They won’t be able to return to the building any time soon. For this purpose, a comprehensive overall renovation is due first.

So it will be a while before the children can leave the multi-purpose hall again. From autumn they can at least move into a temporary “container school building”.

Did the municipality oversleep the renovation?

Nevertheless, the question arises: Did the community look too closely at the dilapidated school building? For 20 years it has been clear that the 150-year-old school building needs to be renovated. “When we received the statics report created for the exercise, we acted immediately,” says Bevilacqua. It is a precautionary measure to no longer teach in the building. Individuals can still enter the building.

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