Letter unanswered – Kindergarten appeal to the federal government so far unheard of

A request for help from Salzburg’s deputy Bernhard Auinger (SPÖ) and regional councilor Andrea Klambauer (Neos) because of the lack of pedagogues to Education Minister Heinz Faßmann (ÖVP) went unanswered. Auinger is now appealing to the new education minister and calling for the new BAfEP to be expanded.

The two education politicians from Salzburg turned to the Ministry of Education in September to draw attention to the devastating personnel situation in childcare and to ask for help. It was about the new building of the educational institute for elementary education (BAfEP), which is only to be built according to the status quo and does not have more capacity to train more educators than is currently the case. Because actually it would need additional kindergarten teachers in order to be able to fulfill the services. Individual groups in private institutions have therefore already had to be closed. Is the federal government’s reaction to the letter? None! “Here I expect a lot more commitment from the new minister. I will therefore turn to the new Minister of Education with the same demands. Maybe he has more sense of childcare in this country, ”says Bernhard Auinger. As reported, he and Regional Councilor Andrea Klambauer have worked out a four-point plan with which the childcare staff will be safeguarded in the future.
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