Letting out anger: 2 well-known tactics that actually only make things worse

Letting out anger
2 well-known tactics that actually only make things worse

In the video we tell you which tactics don’t help against inner anger.

In our everyday lives, we may find ourselves angry about something from time to time. In the video, we reveal which well-known tactics don’t help.

Punching a pillow, screaming out your anger or simply swallowing the emotions that arise? When we all lose our temper, we often don’t know what to do about it. But be careful, there are tactics that don’t have a positive effect on our feelings, but can actually make things worse.

Are you mad? Then you should not use these known methods

Being angry about something every now and then is completely normal and something we all experience in everyday life. However, we’ll tell you in the video which tactics you shouldn’t use to cope with these emotions.

Source used: wdr.de


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