Leyla Lahouar and Mike Heiter: Jungle camp couple returns after car accident

Leyla Lahouar and Mike Heiter
Jungle camp couple reports back after car accident

Leyla Lahouar and Mike Heiter were in a car accident over the weekend.

© ddp/pazimedia

Leyla Lahouar and Mike Heiter feel relief and gratitude after their car accident. They give their fans an update on Instagram.

“We were lucky in misfortune”: Leyla Lahouar (28) and Mike Heiter (32) reported back to their fans on Instagram with a final update after their car accident at the weekend. The couple reports that they are now doing well again in a joint video. They only suffered bruises, abrasions and a “huge shock” in the crash.

In the video, the jungle camp couple also explains how the accident came about. “We were at Mike’s mom’s birthday and wanted to go to Paderborn afterwards because he had a club gig there,” said the 28-year-old. “We were at the red light. Mike saw the car speeding up, I didn’t because I was shopping online.”

“It suddenly went boom”

The other driver was driving at 80 to 100 km/h. She drove into her car with this force. Everything happened very quickly. “It suddenly went boom and all of a sudden all the airbags came out,” reports Lahouar. After the crash, she got out of the vehicle and noticed that she had pain in her chest and stomach. “I suddenly couldn’t breathe.” Her boyfriend then took care of her.

“In all the shock and all the adrenaline,” he didn’t even notice that “there was something wrong with me,” reports Mike Heiter. But then he also became dizzy. They were separated from each other on the way to the hospital. They were very worried about each other at the time because they didn’t know what was going on with each other. During this time, Lahouar also recorded her emotional video from the hospital.

But after about two hours they were put in a room together and had to stay in the hospital overnight for a check-up. “We’re just grateful that nothing bad happened to us.”


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