LFI’s ultimatum to the PS, Russian assault on the Azovstal factory, the right to abortion threatened in the United States … the news of this Tuesday evening


La France insoumise goes with the Communist Party, and issues an ultimatum to the PS. After signing an agreement with Europe Ecologie-les Verts, rebellious France has managed to reach an agreement with the Communist Party for the next legislative elections. The agreement between the two formations was finalized this Tuesday at midday before being validated in the afternoon by the National Council of Communists. For now, some “blocking points” remain with the PS. The rebels gave the Socialists an ultimatum at the end of the day. After François Hollande and Stéphane Le Foll, it is Bernard Cazeneuve’s turn to denounce this alliance: the former Prime Minister announced on social networks on Tuesday that he would leave the PS in the event of an agreement with LFI, believing that the leaders of Jaurès’ party “lost their compass” of one “republican socialism”.

Russian troops launch a “powerful assault” on the Azovstal factory. On Tuesday, 69 of the 101 civilians, mostly women and children, evacuated the day before after several weeks spent in the basements of the factory, finally reached Zaporizhia, a city under Ukrainian control 230 km northwest of Mariupol . The Red Cross hoped to be able to continue the evacuations – the first for two and a half months – in the coming days. But, around the same time that Macron and Putin were talking on the phone, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed a mass assault on Azovstal with the objective of “destroy firing positions” Ukrainians. Follow the news about the war in Ukraine on our live.

Martin Hirsch, boss of the AP-HP, proposes a shock reform to Emmanuel Macron. Martin Hirsch has just transmitted to the executive his ideas for reform to get the public hospital out of the doldrums. “It is neither a proposal for service nor a will”exclaims the interested party, listing proposals in line with the President’s campaign commitments.

The European Parliament evacuates the ban on trawling in all marine protected areas. This Tuesday, an amendment to exclude industrial fishing from protected areas was not retained, to the chagrin of environmental NGOs. MEPs preferred a more restricted measure supported by the Macron camp.

Read also on liberation.fr

“We often say that women’s rights are one step forward, two steps back.” Decriminalization on the one hand, historical decline on the other… Under the threat of conservative forces, the evolution of the right to abortion in the world shows a flagrant “backlash”, according to Lucie Daniel, advocacy expert for the Equipop women’s rights NGO. Interview.

Death of Marthe Gautier, “forgotten discoverer” of trisomy 21. The doctor, pathologist specializing in pediatric cardiology, co-discoverer of the genetic anomaly at the origin of trisomy 21, died Saturday in Paris at the age of 96. She had become, despite herself, a symbol of this “Matilda effect” which makes the contributions of women to research invisible.

In establishments for disabled workers, “there is a form of mistreatment, injunctions to produce more”. In his book-investigation “Handicap for sale”, journalist Thibault Petit describes the abuses of Esat supposed to protect people deemed unsuitable for the business world, but which impose similar rates and pressure on them, for a derisory remuneration. Maintenance.

Green cosmetics: not easy to distinguish the cream from the cream. Natural, organic, zero-waste ingredients… Pressed by the rise of ecological concerns and regulations, the hygiene and beauty products sector has been trying to go green for several years and is calling for it. But between greenwashing, avalanche of labels and ranges, it is difficult for the consumer to see clearly. Our article.

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