Liam Neeson quiz: can you find out which movies these photos are from?

At 69, Liam Neeson continues action movies. Whether he’s taking revenge or trying to prevent a catastrophe, the Irish comedian gives everything. Can you find which film these photos are taken from?

On the poster for Blacklight since February 23, Liam Neeson continues to chain action films. Aged 69, the Irish comedian is still in the mood. If he had announced in 2015 that he wanted to stop action films because “the public will end up not believing it anymore“, he finally reversed his decision and even said in 2017 that he would continue to make these kinds of films until he was buried.

It must be said that since Taken in 2008, Liam Neeson has not been idle and has even become one of the emblematic figures of the genre with around fifteen action thrillers to his credit.

And it is sometimes difficult to differentiate the films as the pitches are so similar. But whether it’s revenge, rescue, or standing up for the underdog, the fans are on board. Can you find which films these photos are taken from?

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