“Life made easy – The Biggest Loser”: That’s what Sieger Patrick likes most about his new look

94 kilos less: “The Biggest Loser” winner Patrick proudly talks about his loss and reveals how his life has changed as a result.

Patrick (25) won the final of “Life made easy – The Biggest Loser” (Sat.1) 2022 last Sunday. With a starting weight of 191.4 kilos, the candidate went on the weight loss show and lost an impressive 94.4 kilos (49.32 percent).

In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the skilled road and civil engineering worker revealed what he likes best about his appearance after the acceptance test and why it was important that he started with his twin brother Fabian. He also tells what other goals he has set himself and what he wants to do with the prize money of 50,000 euros.

Patrick, congratulations on the win! How was the last weigh-in for you?

Patrick: In my opinion, the last weigh-in was the best, but also the most adventurous. I also found it kind of a shame that the project ended with it. I know it goes on at home too, but for the time being it’s time to say goodbye to the people I’ve had the privilege of getting to know. Of course I try to keep in touch with many.

You have lost a whopping 94 kilos. What do you like most about your new look?

Patrick: The 94 kilos are just awesome! I never would have thought it possible to do that. Now my friends and I see what kind of face I actually have. Now that I’ve lost so much weight, I think that’s the most beautiful thing about me.

Do you want to lose even more weight or are you completely satisfied with yourself?

Patrick: I want to keep losing weight, but not much. It would be nice to get under 90 kilos, but for now I have to keep the weight off. That’s the most important. When I get that under control, I’ll think about it again.

What were the hardest moments for you in the camp?

Patrick: The hardest moments in the camp were when Fabian almost got kicked out in the first week, and then there are the moments when I almost got eliminated but my team won the scales. Thank you, Team Pink! Oh, and always those three seconds before the challenge starts.

Has the extreme decrease also left negative marks on your body?

Patrick: I have a bit of excess skin now, but everything else is great!

How has your private life changed since the acceptance?

Patrick: My personal life has changed 73.62 percent. First and foremost the diet, but also in relation to sport. Sport is now more fun for me and keeps me on the ball. It is also more pleasant to work at work.

In the final you said that you are now back on the football field instead of gambling on the computer. How does that make you feel?

Patrick: I’m just trying to find a sport that suits me. I want to bring in as much variety as possible. Everything related to sports works much better now. That’s an incredible feeling.

What will be the hardest thing for you to maintain or lose weight?

Patrick: I think it’s only going to be difficult if you make it difficult for yourself. Since I can also fall back on the necessary fitness as part of my work, it works for me. However, I think one should keep an eye on the diet. Then it works and shouldn’t cause any problems.

You and your twin brother Fabian competed in “Lebeneasymachen”. How important was that and how was the journey together for you?

Patrick: It was very important for both of us to compete together. We both had the same problems and needed to do something about it. Starting “Life made easy” with Fabian was a dream. Just the fact that we got the chance to be two candidates out of thousands of applicants is an unbelievable feeling.

Fabian dropped out shortly before the final. How was the emotional farewell to him? Will you continue to train together and work on yourself?

Patrick: Yes, unfortunately Fabian was thrown out shortly before the final. It was harder for him than for me. I just saw our results and was proud of us because we were at the top percentage with Benni. At home we all gave gas together and looked out for each other. After all, we both wanted to rock it.

You initially said that you should have taken the step to lose weight sooner. What stopped you?

Patrick: Unfortunately, I often let myself be distracted from my goals. I thought I would take it slow and so one day of sinning turned into many and so I failed at every attempt.

What tips can you give to lose weight?

Patrick: Everyone tries to teach you what’s the best thing to do and so much of it isn’t true. Don’t always listen to what’s being said on the internet, but talk to nutrition experts. We did a lot of sport and ate very healthy. Most of them don’t have as much time for sports as we do in the camp. Of course, that is slower than ours. My tip: go for a little walk after work or always go out for an hour.

What are your goals now and what do you want to do with the profit?

Patrick: My goal is to keep the weight and still find my right sport. I would like to help other people and pass on tips. The profit is put into the future and into some raised beds so that I can grow my own vegetables.


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