Lifehack video: This is how cutlery no longer rusts in the dishwasher

If the cutlery comes out of the dishwasher rusty, that's damn annoying. Fortunately, you can get it sparkling clean again with this trick!

Too bad: the dishwasher has finished running and small rust stains have now accumulated on the cutlery, of all places. This is particularly annoying when it comes to places that are difficult to wash by hand, such as the inside of vegetable peelers. Fortunately, there is a simple trick you can use to counter this!

Caution, rust film!

Flash rust in the dishwasher is usually caused by parts that shouldn't be put in the dishwasher – such as non-rustproof screws on a frying pan. The grate is distributed throughout the interior of the device and sticks to the rest of the dishes – until you can remove it with a special "addition".

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