Lights & toys – children look forward to shopping with the family

Shopping in Vienna is celebrated as an experience this year, especially for the youngest. The big shopping Sunday on December 19th is just the right time.

What have we longed for the end of this lockdown! Between washing hands, wearing a mask and keeping their distance, tens of thousands took the time to get vaccinated. The wages are now a largely carefree shopping experience before the holidays. For whom the possibility of “real shopping” means a lot, a small street survey among the youngest showed. “I like that I can touch the toys,” explains 10-year-old Meggie from Vienna-Liesing. “Everything looks great on the Internet, but I can’t see how big things are, or how heavy, or how they feel.” She is happy to finally be able to browse her favorite toy store again. “The salespeople are very nice and let us try things out.” Shopping as an experience 86 percent of Viennese buy Christmas presents this year, more than last year. For Margarete Gumprecht, chairwoman of the trade division of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce, this is no surprise: “We recognize in this the growing need to plan shopping not only as something to do, but also as an experience.” No wonder, as she finds: “After the Weeks in lockdown, you just want to get out. Under the festive Christmas lights, a Stanitzel Maroni in hand, window shopping and looking for presents for loved ones – many have missed that. ”The chairwoman has great understanding for the children. “The little ones in particular have had to be very patient in the past few months,” she says. “A few nice hours in the hustle and bustle of Advent is a small reward for your patience and courage.” Six-year-old Benny from Meidling provides a good example. When asked what he was looking forward to most after the end of the lockdown, he beamed: “Going to business with mom and dad.” The shopping Sunday on December 19th will play a special role for him. “You promised me that we would all go to Mariahilfer Strasse together,” the boy says happily. “Otherwise they can never do that because someone always has to work.” The mother nods with a laugh. “Shopping Sunday means a lot to us,” she says. “We’re already looking forward to coming to the ‘MaHü’ as a family again before Christmas.” Trend towards responsible shoppingFor seven-year-old Samira from Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, the highlight of the season is clear: “The beautiful lights!” And she is excited on the stars made of fairy lights that swing across the street. In moments like this, life is carefree again. But division chairwoman Gumprecht also notices a trend towards responsible shopping: “People are more and more consciously shopping in shops in their area and are increasingly relying on regional products,” she says. “Almost twenty percent of Viennese are already paying attention to it.” The idea of ​​sustainability is gaining ground more and more – and the knowledge that regional purchasing in Vienna can also help secure 1900 jobs gives a good feeling. Those who shop in Vienna can Incidentally, win back your shopping budget in the coming days: Together with kronehit, the Vienna Chamber of Commerce will reward your #wienliebe: All you have to do is pay the bills from shopping at Viennese dealers – also online! – upload to kronehit’s wine zone. With a little luck, you can win up to 500 euros, which is more than the average Christmas gift budget. Purchases are also eligible to participate retrospectively from November 1, 2021, so quickly find the receipts! All information about the Christmas campaign of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce can be found at
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