“Like the Insoumis, Rachida Dati does not care about propriety”

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A distinguished guest of the Summer Universities (Amfis) of rebellious France, the former Keeper of the Seals debated with the deputy Ugo Bernalicis on the theme of justice on Saturday August 27. Raquel Garrido, elected from Seine-Saint-Denis and close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, justifies this choice with Paris Match.

Why did you invite Rachida Dati to your political comeback?
Rachel Garrido. In the same way that we invited ministers from En Marche, it was important that we be able to receive representatives of other parties. So that they can present ideas and animate the democratic debate in the service of the greatest number. Moreover, Rachida Dati is a personality that everyone knows and appreciates in her way of debating on television. She has this in common with us that she doesn’t care about what will be said or propriety. She has something finally quite sincere and transparent in her way of expressing herself, which somewhat resembles that of the rebellious.

Read also: Mélenchon says yes to Faure on a shared initiative referendum on super-profits

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A “cash” talk that can sometimes be done to the detriment of the substance of the message?
I am very suspicious of people who have “intelligent” speeches. People who don’t speak loud enough, even if they say erudite things on the merits, we don’t hear them. So you have to have a format of expression that is audible to all of society, including those who are not interested in politics. Whether we like it or not, Rachida Dati is one of those who have this talent, which does not prevent her from having a detailed knowledge of the files.

In fact, no one had any interest in coming to fight with us

His debate with Ugo Bernalicis was courteous, points of agreement were highlighted. It was not the brawling Rachida Dati of election nights…
She tried to make herself compatible with the LFI electorate. By highlighting a number of its reforms, which were rather in the right direction when analyzed with ten years of hindsight, it sought to repaint itself by holding a more progressive conception of justice. In other words, she’s campaigning. Doing politics today while ignoring the rebellious electorate is a serious fault. It has been underlined, all those who came to debate at Amfis have electoral ambitions in Paris*. In fact, no one had any interest in coming to fight with us. It was rather a question of being dubbed, of disarming the assistance.

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And you are, disarmed?
In any case, it’s more pleasant than hearing people insult us, call us dirty and scruffy people or on the margins of the Republican arc. All sorts of anathemas aimed at us this summer. They changed their tone and that’s fine.

* In addition to Rachida Dati, the ministers Clément Beaune, Marlène Schiappa and Olivia Grégoire were invited to debate with elected LFI.

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