Lili Paul-Roncalli: This is how she relaxes after a hard day

Lili Paul Roncalli
This is how she relaxes after a hard day

Lili Paul-Roncalli trains two to four hours a day for her circus career.

© Fuze Tea

“There really is no such thing as a normal day,” reveals Lili Paul-Roncalli and explains what big goal she still wants to achieve.

Lili Paul-Roncalli (24) grew up in the circus as the daughter of the Austrian circus director and co-founder of Circus Roncalli, Bernhard Paul (75). But for several years she has been able to stand on her own two feet, has received numerous job offers and continues to perform as an artist. As part of Fuze Tea’s “made of fusion” campaign, the 24-year-old gives an insight into her often turbulent everyday life and reveals which big goal she still wants to achieve and how she comes to rest after a hard day.

At just seven years old, you were already training four to five hours a day for your career. How does your training workload look today?

Lili Paul-Roncalli: I now train between two and four hours a day. Sometimes I just do some stretching to stay flexible. But I often combine the stretching exercises with fitness and of course always do a few exercises from my contortion performance – i.e. acrobatics.

You grew up as a circus daughter. In the meantime, however, you have successfully built your own career – what makes you special?

Paul-Roncalli: My Italian and Austrian roots, my childhood and youth in Germany and of course growing up and living in Circus Roncalli have shaped me from the ground up and make me who I am. I’m proud of that. And that’s exactly what Fuze Tea’s “made of fusion” campaign is all about: the uniqueness – i.e. the fusion – of individual dreams, fears and memories that make every person unique. In this way, the different experiences that I have had so far have made me the woman I am today.

What does a normal day look like for you?

Paul-Roncalli: There really is no normal day. Because in the circus almost every day is different. One constant in my daily routine is actually just sport. Depending on the situation, I then prepare for appearances in the circus or vaudeville, or meanwhile also for other jobs, for example as a model, brand ambassador or on TV. But I like the variety in my everyday life and the trips that go with it.

How do you like to relax after a hard day?

Paul-Roncalli: I travel a lot and always look forward to moments when I can relax or take time for myself. There are many things that can give me new strength. Sometimes I need the sport to really work out and then to have a feeling of new energy in me. Sometimes it’s good for me to just spend time with my dog ​​Chanel and go for a long walk. But I also love to watch a good movie on the couch and switch off.

How long do you want to remain active on the circus stage?

Paul-Roncalli: Of course, the circus and variety shows will always be part of my life. But I also know that I can’t do the contortion – the acrobatics that I do – forever. I have maybe ten more years for that. That’s why I keep fit as much as possible and pay attention to my diet so that I can stay on stage as an acrobat for as long as possible. But even today I’m already working hard to build up something that I can do after my artist career.

How do you reconcile the circus with your model life?

Paul-Roncalli: I have my great management to thank for that. As a result, I have always been able to reconcile both worlds. The management has my back for the other projects and also makes sure that I am doing well. I am very grateful for that.

What goals have you set yourself for the next few years?

Paul-Roncalli: I’m happy the way it is right now and I’m looking forward to everything that’s to come. If a job offer suits me, then I’m happy to be involved in new projects – whether as a model or on TV. Another major goal that I would like to pursue over the next few years is that I, together with my siblings, become more and more involved in our family business in order to be secure in the future.

Is there a very special dream that you would still like to fulfill?

Paul-Roncalli: A dream has already come true: the circus can finally go on tour again. That’s what I’ve dreamed of for the past two years.

Will we continue to see you in TV projects?

Paul-Roncalli: I wouldn’t rule out anything. Because if something suits me, then I’m happy to be there. This year, for example, I was part of a TV jury in Austria. It was an incredibly great job and I really enjoyed it. But I can also imagine the moderation very well. I’m excited to see what’s in store for me in the near future.


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