Limited to one to two years
Plans for compulsory vaccination from 18 are becoming concrete
1/23/2022 5:23 am
The pandemic is to be stopped with compulsory vaccination against the corona virus. The Bundestag is scheduled to discuss the issue next week. The proponents are already giving the first details.
A few days before the first consultations on compulsory corona vaccination in the Bundestag, the plans of the supporters are taking shape. The deputy SPD parliamentary group leader Dirk Wiese, who, together with other members of the traffic light coalition, is preparing the key points for compulsory vaccination from the age of 18, now gives details of the plans: The obligation should be limited to one to two years, apply to no more than three vaccinations and be enforced through fines, says the domestic and legal politician of the dpa.
On Friday, Wiese, together with six politicians from the Greens and FDP, announced a group application for compulsory vaccination from the age of 18 in a letter to all members of the Bundestag except for those from the AfD. It is about “finding a sustainable, proportionate and at the same time targeted solution,” says the letter. These are the first details of the proposals that will be debated in the Bundestag on Wednesday.
Two, three or even more in the end?
It must be clarified how many vaccinations are necessary to fulfill the obligation. “On the basis of the current studies, one can say that with three vaccinations one has achieved a good basic immunization against a severe course,” says Wiese. “It may later be that it makes sense for one or the other to carry out another booster vaccination, for example for those who have previously been ill or the elderly. But that should then be voluntary.”
Limited to one to two years
“This compulsory vaccination should not apply forever,” says Wiese. “It may be that at some point we will have such a high level of basic immunity that we will no longer need vaccination.” When it comes to the length of the period, the deputies want to rely on the advice of experts. “But it will certainly not be just a few months, but rather one to two years.”
Fine as the main sanction
And which sanctions should be used to persuade unvaccinated people to vaccinate? “As of today, I would be more in favor of a pure fine,” says Wiese. According to the law on administrative offenses, fines range from five to 1,000 euros. “In the event of non-payment, one could also consider an individual penalty payment,” says the SPD politician. “So you could also take personal living conditions into account when determining the height.” According to the Administrative Enforcement Act, the upper limit for a penalty payment is EUR 25,000.
Vaccination register too complex
The implementation of the vaccination requirement could be done by recording vaccinations in a central register. However, its structure is complex and there are concerns from data protection officers. “Due to time constraints, that doesn’t make sense for the current debate,” says Wiese. The obligation to vaccinate is intended to last for the next autumn and winter. Setting up a vaccination register would take too long for that. “There are a few ideas on how to write to the citizens anyway: via the health insurance companies or via the municipalities that have the registration data,” says Wiese.