Lincoln unveils its futuristic Star concept car and prepares the brand’s electric future

Benjamin Logerot

April 21, 2022 at 3:20 p.m.




Lincoln, a brand specializing in luxury SUVs and crossovers owned by Ford, unveiled yesterday Wednesday its very first fully electric concept, the Lincoln Star Concept. A long crossover with daring LED lighting, which is unfortunately not planned for any production launch.

The event at which this modern concept was unveiled was nevertheless an opportunity for the brand to say a little more about its plans for the electrification of some of its vehicles to be released in the coming years.

A first for Lincoln

The Lincoln Star Concept, as its name suggests, is just a concept electric car developed by the luxury vehicle maker to show potential consumers what it is capable of in terms of 100% electric products, in a major plan to electrify half of its fleet by 2050. Under no circumstances, it is said, will this particular vehicle be put into production for worldwide distribution. It’s a shame given the interesting features it offers.

The car has inverted doors, front seats that can be rotated to provide a small lounge area, laptop storage that can be connected to the vehicle’s internal screens, a front trunk in the form of a drawer that you have to pull out to take it out and, finally, a rear bumper that can fold out to provide outdoor seating.

This crossover concept did not come alone during the presentation in Hollywood since TechCrunch reports seeing other models that look more like sedans or passenger cars. Amazing models for the brand specializing in luxury SUVs and crossovers in the United States.

China, an important market

According to John Jraiche, the brand’s director of luxury vehicles, the idea behind the concept is to seek consumer feedback and new inspiration. The journalist from TechCrunch who was able to attend the presentation asked Jraiche, given the shape some models shown on slides had, if Lincoln was planning more sport-oriented passenger cars. The interested party responds rather vaguely, preferring to discard the term “sport” and find a new word for this kind of long and low car.

If these statements do not bring anything really concrete, others have been able to hint at the brand’s longer-term strategy in terms of vehicle development, particularly in the electric market.

Lincoln President Joy Falotico said China holds the key to the brand’s future. Indeed, the Chinese market has become very important both for Lincoln (the company sold 91,000 vehicles there last year), but also for brands wishing to turn to electric models. Sedans, in John Jraiche’s words, are hugely popular in China, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see the luxury brand release an electric sedan in the country in the future.

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Source : TechCrunch

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