Linda de Suza: what was her real name?

Sad news in the music world. Linda de Suza died at the age of 74, her agent announced on Wednesday, December 28. The singer had met with great success in the 70s and 80s. A great consecration for an artist who had fled her country of origin, Portugal.

A great artist has left us. This Wednesday, December 28, the agent of Linda deSuza announced to AFP the death of the singer at the age of 74. “His son Joäo Lança and I have the pain to inform you of the death this morning at 10:10 a.m.“by Linda de Suza, wrote Fabien Lecoeuvre in a press release. The singer had been admitted to the hospital in Gisors, in Eure where she had been transferred “for respiratory failure and positive for Covid 19”said his agent.

Linda de Suza, real name Teolinda Joaquina de Sousa Lança, was born on February 22, 1948 in Beringel, Portugal. In 1969, she fled the Salazar dictatorship to take refuge in France. A country where she will then do most of her career while highlighting her origins. She told her story in an autobiographical book titled The cardboard suitcase, and released in 1984, in which she recounted her clandestine crossing of the French border. A very moving story which was then transcribed on the small screen in 1988, in the form of a soap opera, after having been a musical.

A successful career

But Linda de Suza has especially met with great success in music. The singer thus released her first hit in 1978, with the title Portuguese, sold more than 200,000 copies. Many other successes followed, including Uma moca chorava, A child can make the world sing, Chuvinha, or Tiroli Tirola, sold more than 500,000 copies. His 13th and last album, just livewas released in 1991.

Linda de Suza’s health issues

But in recent months, Linda de Suza was facing serious health problems. In October 2022, his son, Joao, had confided in the columns of France Sunday, where he had made terrible revelations about the state of health of his mother. While they had not spoken since 2014, he had visited the singer, while she was hospitalized for a serious pulmonary pathology. “It was a shock, a heartbreak. I had to show nothing and be strong in front of her. She is very weak and emaciated. She was a heavy smoker, and her lung infection got worse as she stopped eating and let herself waste away.”confided Joao Lança, specifying that this reunion had been particularly moving: “She took my hand, squeezed it hard. We were moved. We wanted this reunion. Like it was yesterday…”.

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