Lindenstrasse: happy ending for the stars of the cult series

It's over: The very last episode of "Lindenstrasse" flickered on the screens on Sunday evening. The mother of all German soap operas ended with the episode 1,758 after 34 years and four months. That happened in the last episode "Goodbye" with the main characters:

Anna doesn't have to go to prison

After the death of her friend Wolf Lohmaier (Martin Müller-Reisinger), Anna Ziegler (Irene Fischer) is devastated. Does little Emil's convicted mother have to go to prison again? The police allege that the contractor stumbled and died during the dispute. Helga Beimer (Marie-Luise Marjan) – also present at the accident – has meanwhile taken the preliminary contract for the hotel sale between Lohmaier and Angelina Dressler (Daniela Bette). But Angelina is desperately looking for that – with the hotel construction, she also wants to force a luxury renovation on Lindenstrasse and thereby make millions …

Since Angelina was undetected at the hotel construction site when Lohmaier died, Anna blackmailed her, who, however, cannot find the preliminary contract. Dressler testifies against her – and Anna faces imprisonment. Her only salvation is Helga of all people. At the grave of Hans Beimer, she decides to help her eternal rival: she supports Anna's information with the police and hands over the hotel purchase contract, whereupon Angelina, the only real eyewitness, confirms to the police what happened: Lohmaier fell, his death was an accident.

Even more happy ends

Meanwhile, there are other surprises too: Vasily Sarikakis (Hermes Hodolides) receives the news that he has become a grandfather. "Jack" Aichinger (Cosima Viola) moves into Dr. Dressler's villa, in which Gung (Amorn Surangkanjanajai) suddenly appears again with his suitcases. And for Nina (Jacqueline Svilarov) and Klaus (Moritz A. Sachs) there is also a happy ending. A kiss on the open road makes it clear: From now on you stand by your love!

Helga's birthday

Meanwhile, the celebration of Helga's 80th birthday is coming up. But Mother Beimer, busy with her testimony to the police, remains missing while neighbors and guests flock to the "Acropolis". Many of the "Lindenstrasse" residents get their appearance again: Lisa and Murat with their family. Alex and Iris come with Neyla, just left by Klaus Beimer – who doesn't make a scene. Carsten, Tanja and Sunny are there. And of course Iffi with Roland and his son Konstantin. Some former neighbors such as Georg "Käthe" Eschweiler stop by for the big celebration – which Helga will of course appear at the end.

Helga Beimer takes a last look at the "Lindenstrasse" before it disappears into the "Acropolis" and the series thus ends after almost 35 years. A piece of television history ends completely unspectacularly and quietly.