Lindenstrasse: Moritz Zielke returns as Momo in February

On March 29th it is time for the fans of the "Lindenstrasse" to say goodbye. At 6:50 p.m., the last episode of the cult series No. 1,785 flickers on the TV screens. Towards the end there will be one or two reunions with some alumni – including Moritz Zielke (46), who will return to the role of Momo next Sunday after his departure in 2017. An emotional moment for the actor.

"A big piece of home"

"It was great to shoot in Lindenstrasse again. And after well over half a life as Momo, my whole body immediately remembered movements, noises, processes – all the friends and colleagues on the set anyway. On the second day of shooting anyway almost everything was as usual again, "says Zielke. "With the AUS of the series, some of us will have to let go of a big chunk of home," the actor continues.

The two episodes in which Zielke will be seen for the last time will be broadcast on Sunday, February 2 ("The Power of Fathers"), and on February 9 ("My Child") in the first. Zielke was part of the series from episodes 346 to 1,639. In November 2018 it was announced that the "Lindenstrasse" will be closed after more than three decades.

In addition to Zielke, Philipp Sonntag (78) alias lateral thinker "Adi", Valentin Schreyer (41) alias Ben Hofer and Christoph Wortberg (56) alias Frank Dressler recently returned to the series. Entertainer Willi Herren (44) will also be seen again as Fiesling Olli Klatt. A special treat will then be broadcast on March 1st: Helga Beimer (Marie-Luise Marjan, 79) receives a visit from her deceased loved ones from the afterlife. So there is a reunion with ex-husband Hans Beimer (Joachim H. Luger, 76), son Benny (Christian Kahrmann, 47) and husband number two Erich Schiller (Bill Mockridge, 72) – they all died in serial death.