Lindner talks to activists: climate protesters invade the Ministry of Finance

Lindner talks to activists
Climate protesters invade the Ministry of Finance

With glue and banners, climate protectors want to expand their protest this week. Finance Minister Lindner also receives a visit. For false fire alarms, for example in the Reichstag, the activists face a charge of misuse of emergency calls.

Climate protection activists have entered the Federal Ministry of Finance in Berlin and protested there with posters and chants. According to the police, they stood and sat in the entrance area and on a balcony of the large building on Wilhelmstrasse. The Last Generation group tweeted a video showing young people holding up banners in a large hall.

The activists criticized Finance Minister Christian Lindner, who wanted to discuss a haircut for poor countries, but had only made “an empty promise”. Another group asked the FDP politician to speak to them on site. According to the activists, demonstrators also stuck to the ministry. According to the Ministry of Finance, Lindner spoke to the demonstrators. Then they parted peacefully. “The minister’s office was not blocked.”

Lindner tweeted: “In Washington we met about debt with African countries. We’ll stay tuned. So I didn’t need the action, but it didn’t disturb the service. CL.” At the same time, demonstrators again blocked motorway exits in several places in Berlin in the morning, including in Charlottenburg, Tempelhof and Schöneberg. Some of them glued themselves to the streets.

“It is played with the fire alarm”

Berlin’s Interior Senator Iris Spranger has criticized the false fire alarms by climate protection groups in the past few days, for example in the Reichstag building, in a Bundestag office building and at a large world health congress. The SPD politician announced recourse claims and said: “Here you play with human lives. It’s not funny and we don’t find it funny,” said the senator angrily. “It is played with the fire brigade alarm.” The police and fire brigade always assumed an emergency.

According to the senator, there were reports of misuse of emergency calls and impairment of accident prevention and emergency aid. The law provides for a fine or imprisonment of up to one year. The police are currently preparing the bills for the costs of the respective operations in connection with the false alarms, said Spranger. In addition, there would be the costs for the fire brigade of 1000 euros per operation and the personnel costs. Since it is a federal building, the fee notices would go to the federal police or the police of the German Bundestag.

The “Last Generation” had again blocked freeway exits in Berlin last week and triggered false fire alarms. At the weekend she announced that she would expand her blockades or other disruptions this week. The group is demanding more measures for climate protection and has been active with blockades and other actions since the beginning of the year. Demonstrators also disrupted football matches and taped themselves to picture frames in museums.

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