Line Renaud and Jean-Paul Gaultier supported by a shower of stars for Sidaction

The fight against AIDS, in France and abroad, has never been so crucial. According to UNAIDS, 7.7 million deaths could be linked to the virus between 2021 and 2030 worldwide if the coverage of prevention services and treatment does not evolve rapidly. The health crisis, the disastrous situation in Ukraine do not help the fight. And that’s why Sidaction will be back, ever higher, ever stronger, on March 25, 26 and 27.

These three days of mobilization, awareness and collection were announced and launched from the Salle Wagram, located in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, on March 7, 2022. Line Renaudco-founder and vice-president of Sidaction, was able to discuss the actions to be implemented during this long three-day weekend with Jean-Paul Gaultier, ambassador of the association, but also Bilal Hassani, Michel Cymes, Evelyne Dhéliat, Bruno Guillon, Daphné Bürki, Marie-Aline Meliyi, Anne-Chloé Bottet, Laurie Cholewa, Karima Charn, Hedia Charni, Hélène Mannarino, Albert Batihe, Jaleh Bradea, Margaux de Frouville, Rachid M’Barki, Marie Portolano, France Pierron, Brice Laurent, Laurence Roustandjee, Isabelle Moreau, Samuel Etienne, Alexandra Blanc, Loïc Rousval, Patrice Boisfer, Eliot Deval, Paul Tchoukriel, Nathalie Levy, Wendy Bouchard, Fatimata Wane or even Caroline Paré.

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