Lionel Messi: Mocking for his family photo and bad news …

Lionel messi had something to smile about to end the year, he who was recently crowned Golden Ball for the 7th time in his career! The 34-year-old has flown to his home country Argentina with his family. Not content with having first been copiously mocked for a photo with his clan, he also and above all caught the coronavirus. What to have now the morale in the socks.

On his Instagram account followed by no less than 296 million subscribers, Lionel Messi had posted a photo taken in Rosario, in the province of Santa Fe, with his wife Antonella and their three sons: Thiago (9 years old), Mateo ( 6 years old) and Ciro (3 years old). The snap soon became the source of much teasing due to the clan members’ similar and garish outfits. Colors reminiscent of those of the highlighters … “Big New Year’s promo: for four Stabilo purchased, the fifth is free“;”I printed the photo, I will put it in the car to replace the emergency triangle“;”It’s a paid partnership with Post-It” or “They should really take advantage of their time in Paris to learn how to dress“, could we read on Twitter.

However, all this is not very serious compared to the bad news that has just fallen: Lionel Messi has tested positive for the coronavirus. The Argentinian star of Paris SG is one of four players in the Paris SG workforce tested positive for the coronavirus, the club announced on Sunday on the eve of a Coupe de France match in Vannes. Lionel Messi was tested in Argentina. “He is in constant contact with our medical service. When it is negative, he can return to France“, said coach Mauricio Pochettino at a press conference.”I do not know“if he can play the shock of Ligue 1 in Lyon on Sunday January 9,” continued the technician.

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