Lisa Azuelos talks to us about the lives of women

For a morning, we welcomed the director Lisa Azuelos, who became for the occasion our editor-in-chief. A time to evoke the place of women in our society, especially after their fifties.

by Melanie Bonvard

We all know Lisa Azuelos' films: her works are like soft toys, which reassure us because we identify perfectly with the characters, whatever their age. LOL, How beautiful you are, My baby… The French director manages, through an entertaining and general public cinema, to reach the spectators. At Lisa Azuelos, it's all about women's gaze. Editor-in-chief for one day at aufeminin, she confirms: this way of looking at the world is indeed the common thread of her work. "I want to make of my life a useful testimony for all the women who would be kind enough to take an interest in what I provide in films, documentaries or books", she explains.

Be the person who will keep cheering you on

Successful bet for the one who released, on June 11, 2020, the novel Life in dare, to "that all women finally dare, and it is time", she tells us. According to Lisa Azuelos, the development of women is essential and it depends, among other things, on the confidence they place … in themselves. "Be your best friend! Be the person who will constantly encourage you ", she encourages us nicely.

During our meeting, the director and author also returned to the place of the fifties and more within our society. The mental load, motherhood for some, aging, then menopause … Lisa Azuelos believes that this cycle has something positive: "Menopause is not something that scares me. It has to do with a lot of wisdom, a lot of experience. I find it to be the most valuable thing on Earth." The air of nothing, a lesson in life, valid for all ages.

To see also:
No, menopause does not mean the end of sex life

Sophie Marceau: "It's great to get old, I love it"

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