Litecoin halving: stepping stone for the LTC course?

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The halving comes every year: the regular halving of the Litecoin supply. Away expected From August 2nd, the payout per newly “mined” block is still 6.25 Litecoin. In advance, the throttling of the circulation volume caused a stir. At the beginning of July, the LTC price rose to a new high for the year. Since then it has gone down again. According to the calculation, halvings should have an effect in the long term anyway – when increasing demand meets decreasing supply. However, conclusions from this should be treated with caution.

Litecoin halving already priced in?

Halving means state of emergency. Forecasts spur each other on, prices shift forward in anticipation of the cut in supply. Litecoin is no exception: up 60 percent year-on-year, Hashrate – the computing power used by miners – has been at a record level for weeks. The mood before the halving is heated – the disappointment inevitable?

“The next three trading weeks will show whether the halving of the coin rewards has already been priced in,” says BTC-ECHO market expert Stefan Lübeck. “Currently, the average daily trading volume is higher than most other altcoins, indicating sustained short-term investor interest.” Equally positive is “the respectable number of more than 9.5 million Litecoin owners and the current hash rate of over 750 Terrahash per second”. However, the past has taught that the halving could put an end to the growth trend for the time being.

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