Literature classics: 10 beautiful baby names from books

Emil, Effi & Co.
10 beautiful trending baby names inspired by classic literature

Not just for bookworms: These trendy baby names are sweet as sugar.


When choosing the first name for their offspring, expectant parents like to get inspiration from music, films or literature, as these trending baby names prove.

While some people know exactly what their future child will be called from an early age, others take months to find the perfect name for their offspring. No wonder, after all, this plays a not insignificant role in how we perceive people.

The most beautiful baby names from books

Many expectant parents are inspired by their favorite books. After all, the literary classics of the last few centuries are a veritable treasure trove of significant and euphonious names. You can find out in the video which title heroes are currently particularly popular when it comes to choosing a name.

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