Little Big Adventure remaster evolves into remake

As explained on the project website, this remake, which takes the name Twinsen’s Little Big Adventure, will offer more fluid gameplay, a modernized main plot, the geographical continuity of the exterior scenes, a reinvented artistic direction or even a harmonization between TLBA1 and TLBA2, whose Classic editions from 1994 and 1997 are still available on Steam and GOG for the curious or nostalgic.

The “French touch” is resisting

Remember that this project to relaunch the Adeline Software franchise is the work of Benoît Limare and Gwenaëlle Gourevich, who benefit from the support of the creators of the time, Frédérick Raynal of course but also the composer Philippe Vachey and the designer Didier Chanfray who owns the license rights. As the development of the remake is not far enough advanced at this stage, the publisher has not yet indicated and will probably not do so before the team of [2.21] have something concrete to put forward. An FAQ is available here, but many elements still remain to be determined, such as the release date of course but also the platforms and dubbing.

But then who is this mysterious editor? For now, we are keeping the information secret. Why this discretion? To answer this question, we must clarify the role of the editor for our particular project. In addition to financing the team, our publisher aims to attract new players who do not know Twinsen. To do this, certain industry codes must be respected. For example, when a publisher makes an announcement, it is via a cinematic trailer or showing part of the game in its final quality. As we don’t have anything to present in final quality yet, a full announcement seems premature », We can read in a post published on Steam.

  • Also read | Due to lack of publisher, the reboot of Little Big Adventure is canceled

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