Live in the Konzerthaus – Helge Schneider: The king of obscure humor

I want to start this text with a personal memory. At some point, deep in the 1990s, a senior in secondary school brought Helge Schneider to the table. At the age of 13, I was not only open to new things, but also liked to ingratiate myself to older people and definitely wanted to be able to have a say. His feature film “Praxis Dr.” was circulating on VHS cassette (!) at the time. Hasenbein,” which made everyone laugh for a few days. Just until the next hot shit came around the corner. I laughed along. The previous films “00 Schneider – Hunt for Nihil Baxter” and “Texas – Doc Snyder also keep the world in suspense”. I laughed along because I didn’t want to be exposed as stupid, because I understood relatively little. A crude guy in strange disguises disguises his Ruhrpott voice and acts in a very obscure manner. It was only years later that I understood that no one else understood much back then and that everyone laughed because everyone laughed.

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