Live Presidential 2022: Eric Zemmour considers it “very possible” not to obtain his 500 sponsorships

12:16 p.m .: For Taubira, “hunting will certainly have to be regulated”

Christiane Taubira is the guest of “BFM Politique”. While a young hiker died, killed by a hunter in Cantal, the victorious candidate of the popular primary sends her condolences to the family. She thinks “that we must consider that on Sundays, when there are walkers, that hunting cannot be done there”. “Hunting has to do with biodiversity (…) but in this case, it is the use, the sharing of public spaces. It will certainly have to be regulated”.

11:45 am: After Marisol Touraine’s support for Emmanuel Macron, Anne Hidalgo’s candidacy is undermined

The news fell on Saturday, at the end of the afternoon. The former Minister of Health under François Hollande, Marisol Touraine, has decided to support Emmanuel Macron in the presidential election. And that does not help Anne Hidalgo’s business. Despite her 1,074 sponsorships, the PS candidate is struggling to stir up the crowds, and points to 2% voting intention in the latest polls.

It is clear that Emmanuel Macron rallies, in recent days, as much on the right (with Eric Woerth or Natacha Bouchart) as on the left.

11 a.m.: We take you behind the scenes of sponsorships

The first official stage of each presidential election, the collection and validation of sponsorships is the mission of the Constitutional Council. Candidates have until March 4 at 6 p.m. to collect 500.

> Visit and explanations at the Elders of rue de Montpensier in Paris in our report.

10:40 am: according to Eric Zemmour, “Valérie Pécresse will not fight against the great replacement”

Guest of the Grand Rendez-vous on CNews and Europe 1, Eric Zemmour defends the theory of the great replacement: “there is nothing conspiratorial or conspiratorial”, “it is a demographic process that must be stopped”, affirms t -he. And for him, Valérie Pécresse will not fight against this phenomenon, because “the simple word scares him”. The candidate Les Républicains “tries to speak like me to keep right-wing voters from coming to me,” he continues. “And at the same time afterwards she gives pledges to the centrists, it is the usual maneuver of LR”.

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10:15 am: Eric Zemmour considers it “very possible” not to obtain his 500 sponsorships

“I spend a lot of time phoning mayors to try to convince them (…) most tell me: ‘yes, you are great, we agree with you’ but they are afraid”, declared the candidate of the extreme right, this Sunday on Europe 1. He affirms that not obtaining the 500 sponsorships is a scenario which he considers “very possible” for what concerns him, as well as Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and that this would render the election “illegitimate”.

The Reconquest candidate regrets that Anne Hidalgo “represents 2% in the polls and that she has 500 sponsorships”.

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10:01 am: The political agenda for this Sunday

12 p.m.: Marine Le Pen will be invited to the program Questions Politiques on France Inter
12 p.m.: Christiane Taubira will be on the BFM Politique program
12 p.m.: Jean-Luc Mélenchon on France 3 in the program Dimanche en politique
1 p.m.: Anne Hidalgo will be the guest of the TF1 newspaper
3 p.m.: Jean-Luc Mélenchon will speak before the Popular Union Parliament

10 a.m.: Welcome to this live broadcast devoted to political news and the campaign for the 2022 presidential election.

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