LIVE – Presidential 2022: for Taubira, Jadot’s call to join him “does not erase the political impasse”


“I think his approach is to push for union, and to put a little pressure on the union of the left, on that I agree with her”, launched on BFMTV Sandrine Rousseau, president of the council Yannick Jadot’s policy on Christiane Taubira, who has announced “considering” running for the presidential election.

“His presence brings back to the heart of the debate the question of the number of candidates on the left, I have always been for the union,” she added. But she refused to participate in a primary of the left: “I admire more than anything the fights of Christiane Taubira but I did not hear her on ecology, we must think about this ecological question” because “the ecology must be central in this election, “she insisted.

“I am extremely happy that she comes because I think that this woman is a woman of combat, a woman of convictions and that she will not let go, but the question today on the table and that one cannot not to ignore, it is ecology “, she underlined. “I don’t want a presidential candidacy that ignores this problem or downplays it.”

A little earlier on RMC, the finalist in the environmentalist primary had launched: “It’s good, I think she puts her feet in the dish of the union. She is right to do it. We are starting to have a real left government there! So let’s go “.

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