Live Presidential 2022: Macron-Le Pen in the second round, Zemmour ahead of Pécresse in a new poll

10:30 am: Macron-Le Pen in the second round, Zemmour ahead of Pécresse in a new poll

A BVA survey for RTL published this Friday confirms a second round between Emmanuel Macron (24% in the first round) and Marine Le Pen (17.5%). The National Rally candidate stands out from Eric Zemmour (14.5%), himself ahead of Valérie Pécresse (13.5%).

Jean-Luc Mélenchon remains in fifth position and leader on the left, with 10.5% of voting intentions. Fabien Roussel is tied with Yannick Jadot (4.5%), ahead of Christiane Taubira (4%) and Anne Hidalgo (2%).

9:45 am: Agnès Evren is “good hope” that Nicolas Sarkozy will end up supporting Valérie Pécresse

In L’Opinion, the spokesperson for Valérie Pécresse admits that she “is going through a difficult phase” after her meeting where she appeared in difficulty last Sunday. “But knowing Valérie perfectly, I know that she is determined and unshakable, nuance Agnès Evren. There is always a psychological dimension in a campaign, you need perspective and serenity. The MEP says she is convinced that Nicolas Sarkozy “will remain totally faithful and loyal to his political family”. “I’m hopeful,” she slips.

9:20 am: The PS “is closer to burial than resurrection”, regrets Le Drian

Former executive of the PS, the Minister of Foreign Affairs deplores the current situation of the party whose candidate, Anne Hidalgo, caps at 3% of voting intentions in the polls. The Socialist Party, “unfortunately, is closer to burial than resurrection”, analyzes Jean-Yves Le Drian on LCI. “It didn’t start yesterday,” he adds. Anne Hidalgo takes the remains of an approach that was deadly, undertaken by the slingers under the Holland quinquennium. »

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8:55 am: “The other candidates have taken the lead”, estimates Gabriel Attal

“The official campaign starts on March 28, the deadline for applying is March 4, you have candidates who have taken the lead, judge the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, on the set of BFMTV/RMC. Our wish is to, until the end, take all the necessary measures. Yes, that means that the President of the Republic did not present his candidacy as early as other candidates. Incumbent presidents who have stood for re-election have always announced their candidacies very late. »

8:40 am: “Our calendar is sanitary and not political, it follows the virus”, assures Gabriel Attal

On BFM TV / RMC, the government spokesperson is questioned about the timetable for the lifting of health restrictions, scheduled for the end of March-beginning of April, a few days before the first round of the presidential election. “Our calendar follows the calendar of the virus, sweeps Gabriel Attal. In Germany, like us, they lift most of the restrictions in March. They don’t do it because there are elections in France. There would be nothing worse, when the situation improves, than not to lighten the measures that can be lightened. »

8:20 am: “The humanist arc is being restructured around political ecology”, judge Eric Piolle

According to Eric Piolle, the environmental mayor of Grenoble invited from Europe 1, “the only one who can reach the second round among all the environmental and left candidates in the broad sense is Yannick Jadot because (…) the humanist arc is being restructured around political ecology”. The MEP is currently capped at 5% of voting intentions, sixth in the first round and second on the left with a score half that of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

8:10 am: A “war of nerves” at Macron’s HQ while waiting for his candidacy

Everything is ready for Emmanuel Macron’s entry into the campaign and his supporters, in the dark, are just waiting for the formalization of the candidacy of the Head of State. “But where are the advantages of not waiting any longer? “, questions his entourage to Franceinfo, judging that” his opponents are always fighting between them while waiting for him to get into the ring “.

The date of February 26, the date of Emmanuel Macron’s visit to the Agricultural Show, is mentioned. “He would then be the only one not to go there as a candidate”, if he did not present himself before, alerts a relative.

7:50 a.m .: Bruno Le Maire ensures that the economy “is doing well” tackles the “Cassandres” of the countryside

At the microphone of RTL, Bruno Le Maire comments on the unemployment figures, which fell to 7.4% last quarter. “It’s a great French victory,” said the Minister of the Economy. A victory against resignation and against fatalism. Contrary to what all the Cassandres say, mornings, afternoons and evenings, who have nothing else to invent for the electoral campaign, the French economy is doing very well.

7:02 am: Valérie Pécresse on the ground despite a difficult week

Valérie Pécresse has returned to the road of the countryside to try to erase a difficult week which saw her pass behind Eric Zemmour in several polls. She was in Vendée on Thursday and will be in the Alpes-Maritimes this Friday.

“A campaign is a lot of turbulence and I am totally determined to show that my project is a project of rupture, that France is waiting to be reconciled, once again united and strong as Clémenceau and Marshal De Lattre wanted,” said said candidate LR.

In her team, we want to believe that “she is never as strong as in adversity”. “She will not miss the next steps because she always keeps her course, she is unshakeable,” we are assured.

This Friday, in the Alpes-Maritimes of Eric Ciotti, the Cannet meeting will be watched, in a room with a capacity of 2,000 people. “It will do more naturally” than at the Zenith, promises a deputy, convinced that “the new dynamic must start on Friday”.

The far right overtakes the right

Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour are convinced that they will face Emmanuel Macron in the second round. They take advantage of the bad patch of Valérie Pécresse, weakened by her meeting at the Zénith. But the two far-right candidates do not yet have their endorsements. Our article to read here.

7:01 a.m.: Morning guests

  • On Public Sénat at 8 a.m. : Jean-Christophe Lagarde, deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis and president of the UDI
  • On RTL at 7:40 a.m. : Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery
  • On Europe 1 at 8:13 a.m. : Eric Piolle, EELV mayor of Grenoble and special adviser to Yannick Jadot
  • On Sud Radio at 8:15 a.m. : Jérôme Rivière, spokesperson for Eric Zemmour and vice-president of Reconquête
  • On CNews at 8:15 a.m. : Stanislas Guérini, general delegate of LREM
  • On RMC/BFMTV at 8:30 a.m. : Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson

What to remember from Thursday

7 a.m.: Welcome to this live broadcast devoted to political news and the campaign for the 2022 presidential election.

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