Live Twitch des Nums: New Smart, PC under Snapdragon, Test 5500 LatteGo

Find your appointment not to be missed on The Digitals and Twitch.

On the program for the show on Monday June 17:

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LEGO Transformers Set
A big Smart
Chrome can read pages aloud now
Operators are offering 5G as a trial to 4G subscribers
Snapdragon PCs seem to keep their promises
video game: works on Windows on Arm (the Proton.DB of Snapdragon PCs)
More charging areas along highways
Henry tested the Philips Serie 5500 LatteGo full auto machine

And see you at 12:30 p.m. for a live event in partnership with Roborock. We’re cleaning up! Discover all the brand’s innovations with Crono TK and Amandine, from Roborock. Join us to try to win an S8 MaxV Ultra robot vacuum cleaner!

See you right away live on our channel.

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