Living in old age: 8 topics we procrastinate but should think about NOW

What do I want if…?
Topics that we always put off, but that we should think about NOW

© Christian Schwier / Adobe Stock

There are topics that you don’t want to deal with, but you should, out of responsibility for yourself and towards others. Even if they feel somehow strangely uncomfortable and you prefer to suppress them.

It doesn’t help: we’re all getting older. This fact alone feels stupid for some from their mid-thirties. But even if, in the best-case scenario, we will remain fit and agile for a long time to come, now is the time to deal with the topics that we actually prefer not to look at because they make us unmistakably aware of our own finitude make. But the crux of the matter is that every day can actually be your last, or you get very old. You can only partially prepare for the former, for the latter you need money. It is therefore worth taking the time to think about the most important points. This is the only way we can decide on our own responsibility how to deal with it, instead of leaving difficult decisions to others. And that includes these things:

1. Retirement Savings – How Much Will I Need When I Get Old?

Retirement planning is a pain in the ass. Very few like to deal with it. “I live in the here and now, who knows if I’ll ever grow old.” A phrase you hear over and over again. But the question is: What if you get old and suddenly have a lot less money at your disposal? Is that enough for you? And most importantly, do you know how much less that will be? It’s always useful to make your own Calculate the pension gap and have a plan, how to close them – if you want to. In any case, it’s important to think about it instead of looking into the tube later, when it’s too late and only winning the lottery can help.

2. Living Will and Power of Attorney – What if something happens to me?

What if something happens to you? Have you ever thought about this? Who decides for you if you can’t? That’s why one Living will makes sense for everyonel. It regulates what should happen to you in case x. If someone else is to decide, they must also do so in a Power of Attorney to be detained. In many cases, the living will can be easily filled out and deposited online with the health insurance company – and also whether you want to be an organ donor or not.

3. Housing – How do I want to live in old age?

Have you ever visited a retirement home? No? Maybe it’s time then. You shouldn’t move in straight away, of course, but think about how you want to live later and, above all, where. Senior residences are in high demand. Rooms are rare and the nicer, the more expensive. This fact alone is not known to many. A place in a nursing home costs ashes. But you can now look where you like it and put you on the waiting list so it will be easier later. If that’s not an option, there are of course other models that you can live with later if you need some support. It is worth dealing with it in order to decide for yourself and to the fullest extent of your mental powers, instead of being determined by others out of necessity.

4. Will – Who gets what?

You should also think about this early on. In many cases, a will is not absolutely necessary. When a person dies, their property and assets are usually divided as required by law. A However, a will can be useful if you want to ensure that your assets are divided according to your wishes. It may also contain specific instructions for funeral requests, guardianship of minor children, or other important matters. Above all, it is important that it is formally correct, i.e. handwritten and handwritten, so that it is legally binding and cannot be contested. In some cases, it may also be advisable to consult a lawyer or notary.

5. Digital legacy – what happens to my data?

Meanwhile, this is also a big topic: What happens to social media accounts? Where are online accounts? Who takes care of it and how do you get access data? For this purpose, it is advisable to create a list with all data about the digital estate and to keep it up to date. In addition, a person should be selected who will later take care of the digital legacy. In order for this to be able to act, a corresponding power of attorney is required, which is handwritten and dated and given to the person of trust. It is also important that it must be a power of attorney beyond death. Otherwise, the trusted person cannot act. In addition, the access data for individual online accounts can be deposited with a notary. There are now also apps like Last Hello or Memoresa that are supposed to make it possible to organize digital estates.

6. Parents – who should take care of the children?

If something happens to one parent, custody automatically remains with the remaining parent. However, if both die, a court decides. If parents want to rule that out, they should make a custody order while you are alive. In the event of an emergency, it is stipulated in advance who should assume guardianship in the event of your death. Conversely, a custody order can also exclude certain persons from receiving custody.

7. Pet – what happens to the beloved companion?

From a legal point of view, an animal belongs to the estate and is distributed among the heirs. To avoid disputes or disagreements, you can do that too hold in testament and make provisions for the animal’s accommodation if the worst comes to the worst – and above all talk to the people who should give the animal a new home if necessary.

8. Burial – How do I want to be buried?

Your own funeral is something you really like to put aside. But sit down and at least lay down the basic data, makes things much easier for the bereaved. What type of burial? Where? Is there a song you want played? Is there anything you definitely don’t want?

Even if it’s difficult and you have more and more important things to do, which above all, no matter how unpleasant, are still more pleasant than these topics, it helps to take care of them once in a while. It also feels good to tick it afterwards, and knowing that everything is sorted and sealed will certainly help some people sleep better.


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