Living trend: 7 secrets that will make your home look more mature

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7 secrets that will make your apartment look more mature

© Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock

No more setting up shared accommodation – slowly but surely we want to live as adults now. But how? We’ve unlocked the secrets of an “adult apartment”…

Growing up is like this: at some point it happens on the sly, slowly or quickly, through certain events or just like that. We can’t really grasp this process – and in fact there probably won’t be any blinking threshold out there that we cross and suddenly walk on as a finished person.

But there is a moment when we realize that we have somehow evolved. And suddenly we, be it in our late 20s, 30s or 40s, as grown women, stand in a room where our teenage idol is still hanging on the wall and ask ourselves how we ever found him good. In short: when we grow, our apartment usually grows with a little delay. Because for a long time we didn’t really know how we should adapt our apartment to the new phase of life.

Ultimately, furnishing your own four walls is always a matter of taste. But if you feel like you’re done with the flat share facility and ready to let some adult flair move in, these 7 insider tips will help you.

7 secrets of an “adult apartment”

Less is more

Yes, for a long time we loved putting tiny decorations, postcards and photos all over the apartment to express our personality. At some point these details no longer seem cute, but suddenly overwhelming and fussy. If you know the feeling, take a box and sort out radically. After that, you only put what actually beautifies the room. The rest goes … to the attic and becomes a memory box there.

Storage space is sexy

Who actually says that storage space is stuffy? Cheers to utility rooms, pantries and drawer systems! Because they are your best friend when it comes to keeping your four walls tidy. Open closets are often nice and nice, but rooms feel a lot calmer when you work with closed storage spaces.

Better long-lasting

We know that good furniture can be expensive, but a positive side effect of adult life is that we usually have an income. Now we still have to learn to invest this in our homes – after all, this is where we spend most of our time. High-quality furniture usually not only looks more valuable, it also lasts longer. It is better to choose selected collector’s items than to set up new furniture every few months – these can also be flea market antiques that you polish up.

Think holistically

In the past, it was somehow charming to put together your furnishings from numerous leftovers from your parents’ house and shared flats. If at some point you start to think holistically, your apartment will automatically look more mature. Think about what style you want and stick to it – at least in one room.

Start a plant family

They always say that plants are a nice exercise before you bring a child into the world. Flowers, herbs and green plants not only do something for the indoor climate, they also need care. And well-groomed plants clearly stand for a grown-up apartment.

pull up!

Simple but very effective: get curtains and blinds. They create comfort and privacy at the same time.

Comfort over chic

We all make that mistake: we buy that beautiful sofa that’s super chic, stylish and… incredibly uncomfortable. The same applies to beds, chairs and the like. Honestly, we are too old to torment ourselves on hard but good-looking seats. Buy things that you feel most comfortable in. This is the most adult thing you can do for yourself and your home.

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