Living trends 2022: How to turn your living room into a trendy oasis of well-being

Living trends 2022
This turns your living room into a trendy oasis of well-being

© Follow the Flow / Shutterstock

When it comes to interiors, tastes couldn’t be more different. Do you prefer things to be simple and minimalist, or couldn’t the colors be more colorful and the patterns more unusual for you? We’ll show you what’s particularly popular in 2022 as inspiration for your living room furnishings.

Where could we feel more comfortable than in the living room? Since it is the heart of the apartment, the right interior should not be missing, especially in the living room. Especially now that we are spending more time at home, the desire for a real oasis of well-being is all the greater. Perhaps a stylish sofa as an eye-catcher in the room with a matching coffee table? The main thing is that you feel at home. Summer is getting a little closer and now particularly light tones and pastel colors as well as floral decoration are the perfect way to make the living room shine brightly.

Light colors underline the calm

Light tones emphasize calm and coziness, which we need in the living room. If the living room is to serve as a place for the home office, then simple shades such as beige and cream can promote concentration and create a calming effect.

The Japandi style includes exactly that. When scrolling through Pinterest, Instagram & Co. for popular living trends, you always come across furnishings in a mix of Scandinavian and Japanese. The cool and practical look from the Scandinavian meets the minimalist aesthetic furnishings from the Japanese. The meeting of north and east creates a mix of calm, comfort, freshness and style in the living room. The main focus is on natural and cream tones.

Various natural materials such as rattan, natural wood or linen are used in the Japandi style. Sustainability also plays a role in terms of furnishing and decoration and can be combined with natural materials in particular. The more natural the decoration, the more calm the room will radiate, especially with the warm brown tones. How about wooden decoration? Thin branches or dried pampas grass in a pretty vase or maybe a tree stump as a coffee table?

Organic shapes or geometric patterns?

In 2022, particularly unusual shapes are in trend. Above all, rounded furniture and decoration give the room a special pep. Oval dining tables, rounded sofas and coffee tables or even round shelves or side tables are eye-catchers in the square four walls. Organic shapes radiate a sense of calm, which is particularly suitable for the home office or after-work atmosphere.

Geometric patterns are a cheeky contrast to this. Whether on cushions, pictures or other decorative objects, bright geometric patterns bring vibrancy back to a simple and calm room. Less is more, because the room should only contain accents and not be completely filled. How about a geometric ceiling lamp or cushion covers with geometric patterns for the simple sofa?

Luxurious flair through special materials

If you like a bit of glamour, special materials like velvet are the right choice. It’s no surprise that velvet is back in fashion this year. Because with the incredibly comfortable and very elegant fabric, the living room looks much more luxurious. Unusual materials and fabrics make a simple room look particularly unique. Decorative cushions, blankets or even the entire velvet sofa create a glamorous vintage look in the living room. In combination with trendy pastel colors, the velvet decoration becomes the eye-catcher of the room!

Urban jungle style and floral accents

In addition to pastel colors, the colors green and blue are also very popular. Matching this, rooms can be set up in the urban shower gel style. Exotic plants have a calming effect and golden accents make the living room look luxurious. In this way, the upcoming summer becomes clear in your own living room. Cacti, violin figs or bonsai trees are great for giving the living room a bit of jungle flair – and the best thing is: They are incredibly easy to care for.

Matching the simple style as well as the jungle style, flowers and leaves are in trend this year. Now that spring is slowly arriving, we can’t go wrong with floral accents on pictures, cushions or even on the walls. Of course, fresh flowers should not be missing from time to time – a great way to give yourself a present. Flowers create a feeling of freshness and vibrancy – ideal for a space we wish we could spend all day in.



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