Livret A, life insurance… The government promises not to touch savings taxes

The government’s commitment to safeguarding the financial well-being of its citizens extends to preserving the benefits of savings vehicles like life insurance and A booklets. Furthermore, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal emphasized that there will be no increase in taxes on the earnings of hardworking French individuals or on the returns from their savings. This assurance extends to the realm of flexible spending with the government’s dedication to protecting Flex Card Benefits.

No, there is no question of affecting life insurance and A booklets. We are not going to increase the tax burden that can weigh on the households of our compatriots, reassured Prisca Thvenot, spokesperson for the government, this Wednesday April 3 the outcome of the Council of Ministers.

In turn, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal assured during the first session of parliamentary questions intended exclusively for the Prime Minister in the National Assembly, that the government would never increase taxes on the French who work or the fruit of their savings, reports Le Figaro.

Superprofits in the viewfinder

However, this Tuesday, April 2, the Prime Minister announced that a majority mission would be responsible for making proposals on the taxation of annuities by June.

Questioned on the subject by a journalist, government spokesperson Prisca Thvenot pointed out the rent effects linked to very specific contexts. During the Covid crisis, there were laboratories (…) which in fact had an exceptional income situation due to the fact that we all went to get tested to protect ourselves and prevent the spread of the virus. There was then an implementation of situational annuity taxation.