Livret A, life insurance… The top 3 favorite investments of parents for their children

According to a survey, 85% of parents have opened at least one savings product for their minor child(ren). Among the range of products accessible to children, Booklet A remains the preferred product.

85% of parents have opened at least one savings product for their child. This is what a study by insurance broker Sicavonline reveals (1), published this Monday, November 13. The majority (53%) said they had opened a savings product with the aim of to help finance a future projectwhether it is a real estate purchase, financing studies or even travel.

Booklet A at the top of the list

Among the different products available to minor children, Booklet A is the most popular with parents. In fact, two thirds of parents chose this booklet paying 3% in order to build up savings for their children. 33% preferred subscribing to a youth savings account, the rate of which reaches 4% in certain banks.

Tax-free booklets are not the only ones that appeal to parents. Life insurance is also gaining ground: 21% of parents interviewed assured that they had opened a contract for one or more of their children.

And parents tend reproduce the behavior of their own parents. Still according to the survey carried out by Sicavonline, more parents were concerned about opening a savings product when they were minors than having opened at least one product for their children (93%), compared to only 60%. for those who did not benefit from savings as a child.

Livret A, PEL, life insurance… Which investment to open for a baby?

(1) Survey was carried out by IFOP from September 18 to 22, 2023 among a sample of 1,000 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

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