Loan rates still low to start the year

After an exceptional real estate year 2021 in many respects, 2022 is starting very well in terms of loan rates, which remain the fuel of the market. Real estate loan brokers are not seeing an upturn with scales that are generally stable for the month of January.

The average rates offered today by banks therefore remain very low and historically attractive: around 1% over 15 years, of 1.20% over 20 years and of 1.40% over 25 years. The differences remain of course significant according to the profiles and the online broker Pretto observes for example that borrowers with incomes between 40,000 and 80,000 € per year can access rates of approximately 1% over 20 years and 1.15 % over 25 years.

In the current context, some banks no longer send scales every month, but prefer to apply rate reductions on a case-by-case basis, depending on income, preferably high or changing, and the contribution of borrowers, which can range from up to 0.80 points! This is a way for them to refine their customer acquisition strategy and to individualize the margin made on the mortgage according to the customer’s estimated future profitability. », Analyzes for her part Sandrine Allonier, director of studies of the brokerage network Vousfinancer.

Rates well below inflation

Buyers still have the opportunity to borrow at rates well below inflation », Said this morning Ludovic Huzieux, co-founder of Artémis brokerage, during an online conference on the results of the year 2021. Thanks to the action of the central banks, Ludovic Huzieux does not anticipate a real rise in rates in the coming months, apart from possible adjustments by the banks.

Vousfinancer also notes that most banks have loan production targets this year equivalent to 2021, which was a record year with production expected to reach 270 billion euros in loans against 253 billion in 2020. Lending institutions should therefore maintain an aggressive interest rate strategy in a context of ever-strong interbank competition.

Debt at 35% maximum

However, banks must strictly comply with the recommendation of the High Council for Financial Stability (HCSF), which has become a legally binding standard, in particular the limit of 35% of the debt ratio which corresponds to the monthly repayment (including borrower insurance) divided by the net income of the borrower. Vousfinancer recalls that this should penalize rental investment in the first place because the margin of exemption granted to banks to exceed 35% concerns almost exclusively buyers of a main residence.

We are in a period where it has never been so important to prepare your financing file well. », Underlines Ludovic Huzieux, advising not to limit oneself to the agreement in principle of a single bank. The co-founder of Artémis brokerage recalls in passing that a personal contribution of 10% has become almost compulsory and that an additional 10% or 15% will be well regarded by the banks.

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