Locke and Key: how does the Netflix series end?

End clap for Locke & Key, the fantastic and family series from Netflix, after three short seasons. If you stopped on the way, don’t panic, we tell you how the story ends for the Lockes.

Launched in 2020 on Netflix, Locke & Key quickly found its audience. Family series par excellence, it transposed us into a magical world where keys endowed with power could allow you to fly, to have super-strength or to visit its memories. If the first season was a hit, the soufflé quickly fell in season 2. The series ended without any shine with the release of season 3 on August 10.

New season, (almost) new villain

Introduced during season 2, the character played by Kevin Durant becomes the protagonist of these new episodes. He camps Frederick Gideon, one of the most powerful demons in the world of darkness. The latter has only one idea in mind: to recover all the keys, in order to open a portal, to free all the demons and to engulf the passage. For this he can count on several Echoes, including two women locked in a snowball.

All of the Lockes

At the end of season 2, Tyler decided to leave town to forget the death of his girlfriend. To the point of wondering if his interpreter Connor Jessup was going to leave the series. Now that he’s come of age, the former high school student has almost no memory of magic. But back in Matheson for his uncle’s wedding, he decides to activate the Alpha Key and remembers everything. Phew, the Lockes are finally complete for this final battle.

The discovery of new keys

At the same time, Bode (a character whose stupidity continues to grow from season to season) continues to find new keys: that of the snowball which releases two Echoes, that of the Harlequin which makes it possible to make a chest impenetrable and one that allows you to go back in time.

In this season 3 of Locke & Key, Bode (Jackson Robert Scott) visits his ancestors and relives certain events from the past. This is how, while testing the time machine, he accidentally brings Dodge back with him. The latter takes over his body thanks to the Phantom Key. She then approaches Gideon and offers to retrieve the keys for him… But the young woman finally decides to change sides because she doesn’t want to see this world disappear.

Amanda Matlovich/Netflix

Kevin Durand plays the big bad of season 3.


Gideon and his two minions arrive home to the Lockes, who have prepared for their arrival. But the demon is much too strong and manages to seize all the keys in possession of Locke. By wishing to open the portal, he understands that he is missing one, the Key of Creation (it allows to give life to a drawing). We then learn that it has been hidden for years in the mind of Gordy, a former classmate of Rendell (Bill Heck) and his band. Luckily, the Lockes manage to recover it.

The last face-to-face finally arrives: to get rid of Gideon once and for all, Kinsey plants the Alpha key in his chest. He then slips into the portal he had opened and disappears forever.

Farewell, magic keys

The Lockes understand at this moment that to permanently close the portal, they must throw the keys there. Heartbreaking for family members, especially Bode. But before saying goodbye to these magic objects, they decide to use them one last time – notably that of Time. They then go back a few years to visit their father Rendell. A tender and moving source that marks the end of the Netflix series…

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